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Sofia woke up to the sound of her phone, it was Julia she wanted to go grap some lunch. Sofia got herself out of bed and put on some jeans and sweater and got downstairs. Jesse sat in the kitchen and was scrolling on his phone. 'Where are you going?' Asked the boy and looked up. 'Lunch with Julia' sad the girl. 'Lunch it's only 10 a clock.'' I know. See you later' said Sofia and walked to the front door. 'Wait' yelled Jesse from the kitchen and run after her. 'Yes?' Asked the girl confused. 'Now you can go' said the boy and gave her a kiss on her forehead. Sofia got her car key's and walked up to her car. the weather was less good than the day before. There were clouds and you saw the sun barely. She parked her car at a parking spot and walked to the place Julia and her would meet up. She sat down at at table and waiting for Julia. A few minutes later the girl with the red hair walked in. 'Hey girl how are you?' Asked the redhead and gave Sofia a hug. 'Good good and you?' Asked the brunette. 'Yes good to' said Julia and sat down next to Sofia. They talked for a while when Julia told her the news that has been going on with Jesse. Sofia was shocked and didn't know what to say. 'You okay?' Asked Julia. 'I don't know, it's like I saw it coming. But how did you know?' Asked the brunette. 'The girl told me herself' said Julia and looked to the ground. The girls asked the waiter for the bill and got out. Sofia dropped Julia of at her home and then headed home to. 'Hey babe how was lunch?' Asked Jesse when the girl walked in. Sofia looked him in the eyes and said nothing. 'What's up?' Asked the boy again. 'Julia told me' said the brunette quietly. 'Told you what' said the boy. 'With you and Jessica' said the girl angry. 'Soof let me explain' said the boy right away. 'No get your stuff we need to go to your game' said Sofia and walked towards the door. Jesse quick frappes his stuff and runes after the girl. On the way to the stadium Jesse tried to explain it to Sofia but didn't get a chance. She dropped him of at the players entrance and parked the car. 'Soof!' Screamed a girl from behind. It was Anna, Marcus girl. 'Hey how are you' asked the brunette. 'Fine and you? Exited for the game' said Anna and put her arm around Sofia. 'Mwa, Jesse cheated so I'm not really in the mood' answered Sofia Anna. 'He did what? Really? Why are you here then' asked the blonde girl. 'It's Chelsea vs Man United I wouldn't miss it and Mason is playing so I'm here to support him' said Sofia and looked at her friend. 'Okay' said the blonde girl and they both headed in the stadium and sat down


At the stadium🤩@anrasford_Liked by: @masonmount @marcusrashford @lisa

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At the stadium🤩
Liked by: @masonmount @marcusrashford @lisa.Rodríguez and 1,798,000 others.
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Sofia was waiting in her car for Jesse. When he was ready to they headed home. 'Sofia...'  'I don't want hear it' interrupted the girl him. 'Why don't you wane hear it?' Said the boy and got a little angry. 'Because I already know wheat you're gone say'  'No you're not. I do love you Soof, but I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing' explain the boy but Sofia wasn't listening. 'Hello do you hear me?' Asked Jesse. 'Do you got the keys?' Said the girl. 'Yes' said The boy confused. 'Good I'm going for a ride' she said and drove away. While she was driving she saw a lot of messages come in from Jesse. She ignored it but it kept going. She had to rushed the brakes for a red traffic and her phone fell of the seat next to her. She stopped at a gas station to grap her phone.


I'm sorry Soof come home
Answer me

Stop Jesse


She got back in her car and got on the road again. 'I know you're going to Mason' he texted her. Now the girl got angry. 'You really crossed a line now. I'm not coming home okay' texted the girl him back. she heard a car honking and looked up. She saw two lights coming up to her. She tried to avoid the car but it was to late.

We will meet again//mason mountWhere stories live. Discover now