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'She is awake. What's your name? What date is it? How old are you?' Heard Sofia say the doctors when she opens her eyes a little. 'And she is gone' said de doctor when she closed her eyes again.


Anna Sofia had a car crash come now to the hospital!!

What?! I'm coming
I'll call Mason!


The Chelsea boy rushes in his car and drives to the hospital. He pulled over and saw Lisa and Anna. 'Hehe that took you long' said Anna as he got out of his car. 'I live in London remember' said Mason and they walk into the hospital. 'Sofia Carson' said Anna. 'You can wait there' said the girl behind the front desk.
After two hours a doctor game in. 'Sofia is not in mortal danger. she broke two ribs and an arm. she is very lucky.' Explain the doctor and walked with Sofia's friends to the room she was in. 'Mason?' Said the girl when she saw Mason walk in. 'I'm here' said the boy and took her hand. 'Soof how did this happened?' Asked Anna. 'I had a fight with Jesse so I wanted a ride so I did but he kept texting me so I watched the text that he send' explained the brunette to her friends. 'Here is your phone and you wallet that was in the car.' said the dokter and gave it to Mason. 'You can go home but you need to rest. You understand?' Said the dokter. 'Can I look?' He asked. 'Yes' answered the girl.
'I'll call Jesse to say what happened' said Anna and walked out of the room. 'Okè you're gone stay with me for a couple weeks' said Lisa. 'Till you are fully recovered' she go's on.
The dokters helped the brunette in a wheelchair and walked her to Mason's car. 'I'll get you your stuff don't worry' said Anna when she walked in. 'Anna I don't Wanne see Jesse okay'. 'Okay'.

Sorry this one is a little short but I'll try to ride longer chapters!!
Oh and please let me know what you guys think of it!! I like to hear it!

We will meet again//mason mountWhere stories live. Discover now