Twenty Six

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Doc : Oh okay, you can just follow me Mrs Robertson. Firstly we need to see how far long are you.

Me : I've only started having the symptoms a month ago, I'm not showing yet so I'll say two months maybe.

Doc : Let's be sure first.

From the corner of my eye I can see Emma moving uncomfortably in her sit. She stood up and made her way to me with an unreadable expression. To other people it would look unreadable but I've been with this woman for the longest time and I can read her. She's an open book. Right now she's raging.

Em : Uhm Kate may I please have a word please?

Me : You can say whatever you want her Emma.

Honestly I have given up in life as a whole. I'm not even going to try fixing anything because clearly I have long failed.

Em : Not in front of the kids. She says trying to control her anger. 

Me : Doc please prepare for me and I'll be there in a while.

Emma and I walked out of the hospital room into a more secluded place.

Em : WTF! Kate?

Me : Look Em I do not have any fight left in me. I'm not willing to bring more kids into this wicked world. I'm not ready to raise children in two different homes okay. I'm sorry about not telling you about Alex but this is my body. Yes you have an input in the matter but I make the final decision.

Em : Give it to me then Kate! Please don't kill our baby.

Me : I can't Em. I say silently.

Em : Oh don't give me that crap Kate! You've given one of your child away before what's changing now?

I gasp in shock as I can feel my tears nearing by.

Me : Really Emma! That's a low blow even for you. Look I'm done debating with you. It's either you walk me through this or not. Either it's getting done today.

With that being said I left her and made my way towards the doctor's room. I've been blamed for everyone's misfortune so why would I wanna add one more person to blame me for whatever.

I'm currently laying in the hospital bed with the doctor trying to figure out how far long I am. She put that cold gel on my stomach for an ultrasound. Emma finally made a decision and came in the room just when the doctor was about to say something.

Doc : Unfortunately you can't go through with the abortion Mrs Robertson.

I turned to her waiting for her to continue. Emma's head seemed to peak a little, I could see her relaxing after the announcement.

Me : Why not?

Doc : Apparently you having twins and you not two months pregnant.

Em : How far long is she?

Doc : You are five months pregnant. A week away from being six.

Me : What?

Em : How is this possible?

Doc : Because of all the stress you've been having, it caused your stomach muscles to tighten making it almost impossible for you to show but don't worry both your kids are totally fine. Would you like to know the gender?

While my mind was spiraling out Emma seemed to be at her outmost happiness. What am I supposed to do with twins? That's not only one person but two. I can't really take more stress.

Em : Sure Doc.

Doc : Ah you having two girls.


Me : Where are you going!?

Her : I'm done with this, all of it Em.

Me : I understand that you need a vacation but why are you packing so many clothes?

Her : I'm moving to the vacation house at the woods. I need sometime alone.

Me : What about Faith? She needs both her parents.

Her : I'm sorry Em but I've already signed the divorce papers. You are a free person. I'll take Angel with me.

Me : You taking no one Kate! My children stay with me. All of them. If you want to leave then leave but not with my kids Kate!

Her : Fine keep the kids Emma! Once I give birth to the twins I'll bring them to you. But for now I need to get out of this place. Its fucken exhausting, everything about here is suffocating.

I watched as she grabbed her things and walked out of what used to be our bedroom. I followed her till we got to the lounge where all the kids were except Faith since she's at the hospital.

Alex : So you just gonna leave? I heard everything and if you leaving because of me then don't, I'll leave. Just don't leave Faith and Hope. This is your family Kate, they need you.

Me : This is your family also Alex. Don't blame yourself for anyone's decisions. If this is what Kate wants to do then go right ahead but I hope you look back one day and realise you lost people who loved you genuinely.

Hope : Mom you can't leave us now. We a package deal remember?

Kate : I'm sorry!

She says rushing out to her car. My wife left and my daughters are breaking down.

I know it's short. I was busy writing my college tests but now that I'm done we can go on with the story. From tomorrow onwards I'll be posting two chapters a day till we get done. Only a few chapters left then I'm starting the sequel.

Future Mrs. Robertson Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz