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My sister left after a very long discussion which ended with me finally admitting Alex in the school. I gave her everything Alex may need since she's to start school here on Monday.

Finally the kids are well fed and up stairs preparing for their slumber and Emma's with me in our bedroom cuddling. I am uneasy with Alex being alone at Sindi's apparently she chose not to go to her grandma's

Em : Kat it's nearing 10pm it's late for you to drive to your sister's house.

Me : It only takes me 15 minutes max to get there. I can't let Alex stay there alone. Let me just fetch her or I'll sleep over there and come back tomorrow morning with her.

Em : Whatever.

She pushes me slightly off her and turns her back on me. I just get off bed avoiding any further argument. I pack an overnight bag and pack diapers and everything Angel might need.

Emma strips sleeping Angel in her b
Car sit. While I bring the bags to the car.
"Goodnight princess"
Em whispers to Angel before kissing her cheek. She walks back inside without even kissing me or saying anything.
I can deal with an angry Em tomorrow right now I need to get to Alex.

The drive to my sister's doesn't take that considering the was less traffic.
I grab Angel and the bag containing her things. I'll just grab mine tomorrow morning.
I knock and the door opens revealing a shocked Alex.

Me : Are you going to let us in?

Her : Oh yeah sorry. I just didn't expect anyone.
I walk in and first thing I notice is the box of pizza almost finished and chips laying in the table and a computer showing Netflix.

Me : This is a surprise. I actually thought I'd find you throwing some weird party but I never thought I'd find you all alone.

Her : Yeah well that happens when you have no friends.
I frown and sit on the couch. Angel whimpers a bit. Knowing it's her feeding time I balance her well and expose my breast then she latched on.

Alex is just sitting there shifting uncomfortably.

Her : Mom didn't say you would come.

Me : I figured you'd be bored all alone here so I decided to come with Angel.
She scoffs

Me : What's funny? I narrow my eyes at her.

Her : I don't believe that's the reason. You hate me Aunt Kate. You can't stand my presence.

Me : That's not true and you know it.

Her : Sure it's whatever.

Me : I don't get what's wrong with you.

Her : Maybe the fact that I'm never invited to all those sleepovers Hope and Faith throw. Or maybe the fact that you always take Jane and Will out but never with me. Mom usually says you do that so that me and her could have our time but now that I've grown I can see that's not true. But like I said it's whatever and goodnight.

She walks away before I could say anything.
I don't know what's more hating more  my daughter seeing things I thought were hidden or me not being able to adress her as such. My daughter.
I picked Angel

Me : How do I make this right,

Soon enough I was out cold with Angel in the guest room.


One minute Kat doesn't acknowledge Alex and then the next she freaking out about her to a point of driving out at night just to be with her. I've never been so confused. I just hope she arrived safe with my precious cargo.
I can't even call her since she left her phone. Kat confuses me.

Honestly I'm not really pissed at her. I'm just fucken sexually frustrated. Having kids limited our sex time and walking around with blue balls ain't fun.
Don't get me wrong I love my woman and our sex life is great as hell. But sometimes we need to cut it short. If it's not Angel screaming at the top of her lungs then it's Faith and Hope up to something.

I love my daughters but they the biggest cockblockers ever.

My trail of thoughts were interrupted by a knock coming through. See what I mean?

Me : Come in.
Slowly Faith made her way in.

Me : What's wrong princess?

Her : Where's Mommy and Angel?
She says laying comfortably in my bed. She snuggles closer to me laying her head on my chest.

Me : She went to keep Alex some company. Remember she is alone.

Her : Daddy?

Me : Mmm

Her : Why doesn't Alex want to spend a night with us? Is it because she's like Hope?

Me : Princess I wish I knew but with Alex she's always been a mystery. I believe she chooses to keep to herself because that's just how she is. She's more like Hope. She needs constant reminder that she has people she can relay on.

Her : Okay Daddy. Can I just sleep with you?

Me : No you have guests. It's rude to leave your guests alone now go sleep and goodnight.

She leaves with a pout.
No later than that I fall asleep.


Oh come on John you know I long stopped sleeping with your sister, hell I haven't even seen her in years.

John and I are currently at the hotel room. Our business got cancelled the last minute and now here we are arguing about things of the past just because his sister decided to call me tonight asking if we could get some drinks and catch up since I'm in the city.

John : I was never for you even before you decided to fuck my sister. You ruined my relationship with her.

Me : And yes I carry that guilt with me everyday. Now please can we just sleep?

Him : I have no one because of you. You don't even seem to care all you do is force me into things I don't want. Look at me now raising your sister's abomination of a child.

Me : Don't you dare call her that!

Him : What? An abomination, because that's exactly what she is. Look Sindi this is where I draw the line. I'm done with you.

Me : What does that mean?

Him : I want a fucking divorce and you better tell Alex who her real parents are or I'm doing it myself. I've been very patient with you, I took all your lying and cheating but not anymore Sindi. I know all about your scandals, I know of your adventures with all those women. I took your sister's child as my own only for you to treat me like this. I'm done!

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