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Goodmorning class i know today is your first day of your last semester and you probably should be introducing yourselves but unfortunately that won't be happening today because of a staff meeting that will be taking place in about 10 minutes from now. Please go through page 5 till 50 , tomorrow we will go through it together. That would be all enjoy the rest of your day.

And with that said she left. I heard Miss Baylor is the best biology lecturer around this school, I can't wait to learn more from her but honestly if i were to stay in this place just one more time than needed, i would drop dead.

I'm just excited this is my last semester and graduation is fast approaching.

After the announcement Ms Baylor made i drove straight to my favorite coffee shop.

As I'm sitting at my spot at the far back and hidden my favorite waitress Milli came.

Milli : If it ain't my favorite nerd who likes coffee more than anything...why are you here so early?

Me : Hi my lectures got cancelled so I'm free and thought why not just spend the day at my favorite place.

Milli : We both know you here for free cookies.

Me : Arg! You know me too well don't you.

Milli : Too well to even know your order before you even place it, damn we soulmates babe!

Me : Yeah right you made for me, now be a good girl and get me food. I'm a minute away to being cranky because of hunger.

Milli : I always tell you to eat breakfast but you never listen now i have to deal with a crankie you

Milli owns this place, she's older than me by a few years...She started talking to me when she noticed i was becoming a regular here. She always allows me to taste her new recipes before she puts on them on the menu

I headed home right after i was well fed

Now I'm just browsing through the textbook.


First days are always the worst..I swear it's even more worse for us in the education department.

I just got home and now heating up yesterday's leftovers while sipping my wine. I only started work today but I'm already exhausted.

I got disturbed by my phone ringing from the living room.. I groan loudly just thinking about moving from this chair but i did

Me : What???
I groan answering without looking who it was

Her : That bad huh?
Me : You have no idea Sindi I'm literally forcing myself to move and it's only monday

Sindi is my big sister

Her : Oh well i was just calling to let you know that Mom said don't forget we having dinner with the taylors Saturday night.

Me : Can't Mom stop trying to hook me up with these guys already, I'm old enough to find my own partner

Her : Maybe you should just tell them you gay already, I mean we all know she won't stop trying to hook you up.

Me : I know geez it's not like i haven't been trying.

Her : I can always tell her for you?

Me : No! I'll tell her myself...look i gotta go and prepare lesson plans bye.

I hang up before she could say anything else.

My parents and I close especially me being their last born..i know they will accept me as i's just that coming out to them will raise questions and a lot of them but now I'm ready to answer them all and that will happen on the set dinner Saturday night.

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