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Dragging myself to work was a process itself but I'm safe to say i made on time now without my coffee, now that's just a shame cause i became a very angry being without my morning caffeine...My students happen to be on the receiving end.

I took the registration and one student happens to be absent but probably they late so I'll tick them absent end of this lecture.

Me : Now that we done with the roll call i don't really do introductions, I will know each and everyone one of you based on the effort you put on your work.

I could see almost everyone relax when i say that.

Me : Back to work!
Please open page five till 13 of your books and can any of you tell me what they took from those chapters?

Everyone's head is down...avoiding eye contact.
This means these shits didn't bother going through the work yesterday.

Me : Okay! Seems like no one did the work.
What's going to happen right now is that all of you will go to the Dean's office and drop my subjects. I'm not ready to force you guys to do basic work... Not even high schoolers are being forced.

I move from the front to take my sit but I'm disturbed by someone knocking.

Me : Ah! Nice of you to join us Ms Robertson.

Her : I'm sorry Ms Baylor...There was a horrible accident on my way here making it almost impossible to make it here on time.

Me : You should have just turned back and headed back home. Now if you will excuse me i have a lesson to get back too.

I close the door on her face and proceed to taking my sit.
I guess this will have to do since no one wants to participate on the lesson.

First i tick the last student present and go on with my crappy day as planned.

During lunch i was done for...the tea from the lectures kitchen was blend and Mr Pick bumped into me in the hall way.

Now I'm stuck with this huge tea stain on my white blouse.
Can this day end already?

My train of thoughts was disturbed by a knock. Just by looking at the person walking in my day just got better.

Me : I swear you the best sister ever!
I say as i take a huge sip of the coffee bought by my sister.

Sindi : When Milli called and told me you didn't pass by today, I knew i had to pass by and drop your caffeine addiction to you.

Me : Milli is thee best.

Her : Yeah I know.

She says looking deflected.

Me : Why don't you just tell John...I'm sure he'll understand?

Her : How do you tell someone you married too and having 3 children with that you cheated on him with his own sister?

Me : But how did you go from best friends to fucking buddies?

Her : You know I've always loved Milli, She's literally the only person i loved growing even now...But when she made out with Georgia i knew i didn't stand a chance so i had to settle on what was close to Milli and that happened to be John.

Me : I don't think I'll ever be able to keep up with such a lie... I can hardly lie about my whereabouts.

We share a laugh.

Her : Yeah! You have always been a terrible lie. That's the reason Kai and I always did things without you.

As we are both laughing...Someone peaked from the door and our heads turned on her...It happen to be Ms Robertson

Me : Ah! Ms Robertson how may I assist you?

Her : I just came to apologize for this morning and probably get the notes?

Me : It's okay, and no notes where given today so you can leave now.

Her : Thanks.

Sindi : Why are you always rude to your students? I'm sure you didn't even mark her absent?

Me : I didn't but she can't know that cause she'll take advantage and before you know it she will be coming late every day.

Sindi : That makes sense...But loosen up a bit not everyone is like Ben.

Hearing the name i just clench my teeth and hands

Me : You can leave now bye and thanks for coffee.

Sindi : Oh come on Katie we both know they deserve to know.

Me : BYE Sindi!

I take the book and pretend to be getting back to work.

Her : Fine, By if you won't tell them, I will.

With that she left leaving me in my head.


Him : Emma get yourself back here!

His voice ecoed around the room
I quickly made my way to him maybe if i disobeyed him...he won't hurt me.

Me : Yes father
I say with a bit of a bow

Him : Where the fuck is my food?

Me : Father since you have left there hasn't been food.
I myself have not eaten in the past 6 days.

Him : Are you saying i starve you?

Me : No Fathe.....

Before i could even finish i was already on the floor being kicked...Before i could even do anything i heard a glass stuttering followed by my skin pierced with it and with that everything turned blank

Ms Robertson for someone whose lesson ended a few hours ago i would assume you would be home doing whatever people your age do

Ms Baylor's voice comes through and I'm startled as i jump a bit.

Me : Uhm sorry Ms I'll be out of here

I say packing my bag ready to leave this place.

Ms Baylor : Ms Robertson are you okay?

Me : I'm fine bye!

I say running out of the library.

Future Mrs. Robertson Where stories live. Discover now