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Everything seems to be settling well. Emma and I are still going strong and now that she is done with school we are able to go out on dates and just be a normal couple. Matter of fact tonight we going on a date and I'm excited can't wait til school's out.

Sindi has been doing well with Alex and I couldn't be happier. I've seen her posts and they all seem happy and have accepted Alex as their own.
Alex is growing well. I haven't seen her since the last time I went there with Emma and that was 5 months ago.

Emma is basically living in my house. Almost all her clothes are at my house. She only goes to her apartment to just check out the place. She doesn't even spend a night there. Not that I mind though.

A part of me feels guilty regarding Alex but I'm liking how everything played out.
My parents have accepted that I gave Sindi my child and now everything settled.
Saturday we going to my parent's house for a barbecue and I decided it would be a perfect time to introduce Emma to all my family.

I got home a bit earlier to prepare for our date.
Em spends her days at the club, apparently she's planning on opening another club at one of the cities around here.
I'm proud of her, really. For someone who's not so social she seems to be doing really great.

As of now we currently at one of the most expensive restaurants in the South.
The waitress has been flirting with Emma since we got here
But with Emma's ignorance she stands no chance.

Em : Uhm Babe.

Me : Mmm.

Her : I know I'm literally one clueless person when it comes to love and being romantic. You know you the first person I have been in a relationship with and I think I'm doing something good since we still together for a year and few months now.
I sat there looking at those blue eyes as she was speaking. In actual fact I'm shitting my pants nervously.

My head is buzzing with questions like "Is she breaking up with me. Or does she know about Alex"

Her : What I'm saying is I know you hate big gestures and attention. Now I'm not saying you can't have a big wedding but marry me.

Me : Wait! What?

Her : I love you, I've been for a long time now. I can't imagine life without you and I'm not even willing to try.
I know you said you don't want a huge wedding hence I'm saying marry me tomorrow. I can't wait any longer. You are mine and I'm yours so why wait?
I mean if you want to wait it's fine by....

Me : Yes! On my God Em of course I'll marry you even now if I can!

I was practically a sobbing mess waiting to bust with happiness.
Emma stood up and came by my side.
She took something out of her jacket and opened it.
I swear I've seen rings before but this one was beautifully out of this world and it fit just perfectly on my finger.

I met Em half way and literally crushed our lips together.
Our bubble was bust by the waitress bringing the check.

I gathered our staff as I saw Em tear the check in half and handed the other half to the waitress.

Em : My wife hates unknown numbers. She said glaring at the waiter.

That another thing about Em. She careless with her phone she even forgets it at home sometimes. She makes me answer her calls. Lately everyone who wants her calls my phone.

Wait did she just call me her wife!


Kat and I just got back from the court. We legally married now. She's Mrs Robertson from today onwards.
Right now we at home celebrating our wedding.
We currently in the bedroom we've been at it since we got back.
We both breathing heavily
I'm still inside her and on top off her
Looking at her

Me : You beautiful.
Her cheeks had shades of red from blushing

Me : Have kids with me?
She looks back at me with shock written on her face.

Her : Is that why you haven't been pulling out for the past week?
Emma if you wanted children you should have told me and I would have stopped taking birth controls.

Me : Well I came in you last Monday and I didn't see you taking any pills after.

Her : What! Of course I took the pill
She says pushing me slightly off her so she could reach her drawer for her pills.
She counts them and looks at me with wide eyes.

Her : I skipped one.
She says in whisper as if i wasn't meant to hear it.
She looked disappointed.
I completely rolled off bed and sat at the edge.

Me : Would it be such a bad thing if ypu were pregnant? By me?

She looked at me and her face completely relaxed.

Her : Of course not babe. It would actually be great. I just didn't thing you wanted kids. You never mentioned having one.

Me : Well I didn't really think about it but that's before I held Alex for the first time. I kinda fell in love with having maybe 3 or 4 mini us playing around the house and just being jumped when I get back from work.
I never told you this before but Alex looks exactly like my Mom. I had two moms you know. One was just like me. She was intersex and had different eye colours. Hers were blue and green though. She died in an accident when I was 3. Well you know about the other one already.

Her : Wow babe. Uhm... Did you just say she had the same condition as Alex?

Me : Yeah. If I didn't know better I would think Alex was mine
I laughed.

Her : Uhm babe let me use the bathroom for a bit I'll be right back.
Before I could say anything she jumped of bed and limped her naked self to the bathroom.


Okay calm down Kat she doesn't know. She won't know!
I was pacing up and down in the bathroom.
I didn't even know Em had two mothers and now I'm faced with a child who looks like one of the mothers. I just hope Em doesn't read too much into it to actually realize Alex is indeed hers.

Alex is barely a year old and I might actually be pregnant again.
Is life fucking with me somehow?

I got back to the bedroom and got on top of Em. I was avoiding having this conversation any further.

I took her tip and placed it at my entrance and slowly went down.

That's all we did for the reminder.
Soon enough we were heading to my parent's house. I was so sore and had a limp.


As soon as we entered Kat's home I saw Alex playing in a playpen.
My legs had a mind of it's own as they moved forward to Alex and I picked her up.
Something about this child feels so warm. For some weird reason I felt like she belonged with Kat and I.

Immediately after I had her in my arm she placed her head into my chest while blubbering something in child language.

I turned around to see everyone looking at us, Kat had glassy eyes showing that she was about to spill some tears.

Everyone avoided me and pretended to be busy with something.
Kate made her way upstairs followed by Sindi.

I looked down at Alex and she was asleep.
She looked peaceful. I felt at peace.

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