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Just after giving birth the nurses took the baby for testing.
Even though I may not be part of this child's life I hope everything goes well and hopefully health enough.

20 minutes went by and the baby was brought back in my room. She said the results came back clear except my baby boy was in fact a baby girl. The baby was also intersex just like tge person who helped create her.
The other thing is that she was born with a condition called heterochromia meaning she had two different eye colour. One was brown and the other blue.

I was laying in bed with Sindi and my mom by my bedside.
Baby Alex was squirming around in her bassinet and had spit out her pacifier.

Mom : She is hungry.

Sindi went and took her out before handing her to me.
I carefully took her and got comfortable with my breast already out.
I held her close and she latched on and sucked on.
I looked down at her and just admired every feature on her face. It was like looking at the spitting image of Emma.

I felt my tears come out.
My heart never felt so heavy. It feels like someone just stabbed me repeatedly.
It hurts.
And just having her in my arms does me no justice.

After feeding her I immediately handed her to Sindi.
A part of me will always be with Alex and I would do anything for her to just be happy.
I know with my sister and her husband, Alex will never lack anything. I decided to have a joint account with my sister. It will allow me to financially be there for my daughter.
I may not always be there physically but I'll go to any lengths for her.

I came to terms with the fact that Alex is not mine but my sisters. Perhaps that's who she is meant for.
My mom on the other side does not agree with my decision she feels like I'm giving my baby up for all the self reasons.

Doc : Good news. You didn't suffer much tearing and require no stiches.
So you can now sign the birth certificate and go home you being discharged.

Me : Oh thanks Doc.

Doc : One more thing.
While running the tests the nurse fed Alex formula milk and she had an allergy reaction. I suggest you only breastfeed.

The room went silent. I don't know how we gonna deal with this honestly.
I did everything required of me and later on headed back to Sindi's house.

I am currently sitting in the guest room pumping milk for Alex. I don't think I'll ever be able to breastfeed her it just makes me feel closer to her more and we can't have that.
After I heal down there I'll be heading home.
Sindi already started taking breast milk supplements and she'll lactate after week.


Owning a club can be frustrating at times especially Fridays and Saturdays.
And today happens to be one shitest day ever.
I'm short of staff apparently Cyn has caught the flu and couldn't come in now I'm filling in for her.
Not that I mind after all being at the apartment alone sucks.

I miss Kat a lot but she assured me that they almost done and will be heading back soon. I can't wait.
I'm never letting that woman out of my sight ever again.

I just got home it's way past midnight.
All i need now is a long bathe and long sleep but I guess some people just don't care.
I mean it's barely 5 minutes since I came in and already someone's knocking. I'm pretty sure it's Maddy from nextdoor, girl has no timing.
Without even looking as I open the door

Me : Maddy No I don't wanna watch movies. I need to sleep I have work later on.

Person : Uhm okay who's Maddy?
Just hearing this voice makes me jump up a bit and look at those brown eyes.

Me : Kat when...ho...I stutter

Kat : Who is Maddy?

Me : Nextdoor girl who's annoying as fuck babe.
Fuck i can't believe you here

I immediately take her into my arms for a much needed hug and her scent makes it's way to my nose. Gosh i missed her.

I pull her in and soon after we in a very heated making out session.
She rewards me with moans. That's all it took for my buddy to be up and ready.

Kat : Ahhh! I see you up now

Me : That's what happens when you've been craving for so long.

No words were exchanged..we just continued in the bedroom and Kate dosed off almost immediately.
Her phone rang.

Kat : What? She says groaning without even looking at the caller.
Kat immediately sits up after listening to the caller for a while.

Kat : What do you mean she won't stop crying?

Kat : Breastfeed her.

Kat : Come on Sindi it's 3am...Arg fine I'm coming.

Kat hungs up and climb off bed putting her jeans on.

Me : Where are you going?

Her : Sindi just called, She's having trouble with Alex.

Me : Alex?

Her : Yeah that's what she named her daughter.

Me : Well I'm coming with you, you can't drive alone this late.

Her : Okay.

Soon enough we were walking in Sindi's house being welcomed by a very loud screaming baby in Sindi's hands.

Sindi : I tried everything, I don't understand what could be wrong. Ahe says in a tired voice I'm sure she hasn't had that much sleep.

Kat : let's go upstairs so I can help you pump

Sindi : Okay. Emma please hold her for a few minutes.

Kat : No! She ca....
By that time Sindi had already placed the kid in my arms
The baby immediately stops crying.
I look down at her as she smiles at me looking directly at my eyes.
Seeing her eyes alone made me feel something I've never felt before. I don't know much but I'm connecting with this baby. I look at Kat and she averts her eyes somewhere refusing to look at me. I can see her trying to wipe some tears.

Sindi : Wow! How did you do that, I've been trying to make her stop crying for hours.

Me : Huh apparently i have a way with kids. Gosh this child looks a lot like someone I know.

Kat immediately cuts the conversation short by grabbing her sister leading her upstairs.

I take a sit in the lounge area and continue playing with Alex til she feel asleep.

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