Part 17

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"So... This is Liala... and Liala this is X3, and two kids and this is ASTANA...she is an Android..." interrupted ANDIA

"Hi... I am Ayna and this is Alya... It is a great pleasure to meet you" said one of the identical twins... And I greeted back to her....

"This is Cadex, Maxtn" said one of the identical twins, and...they greeted us in a not so genuine way but we didn't care anyway.. 

ASTANA asked out of the blue "So, you all are Cyborgs? or is there someone who is a bot?"

"Uh?.... Well all of us are Cyborgs but we come from different families... Liala and Maxtn are Sentient E-Borg, and ANDIA is a Part sentient AI, and we both and Cadex are Sentient Cyborgs... So we are somewhat like Humans except far more intelligent than them"

"Oh, kay... So let us have this conversation later... now we have a door to break in...Remember?" said Jessy

"Yea...So does anyone of you remember how to get inside the house?" I asked them and they blinked at us like they have no idea what was going on... and it pissed me off... 

"Oh well, it has been many years since we came here... So we don't remember anything...Sorry!" said Cadex politely yet sarcastically... and me and my girls understood that it was a lie...

"Alright then... Let's do it our way... " I said and nodded my head

" it," said Natalie with a little evil smirk on the corner of her lips.. and ASTANA transformed into her true self... Seeing her in that old fierce look reminded me of Robbie... when he was in half sleep and fell on the floor... it was still unbelievable that everyone that we know is long gone..... 

"Okay.. Now that is scary... " Said Ayna

"Tell us what we need to know and there won't be spilling of any blood," said Jessy

"Kay..Oh...Kay..we...We will talk... See, we don't know how to enter.. he used some password to open this gate and after the Door was open it said identity confirmed and then the path to his house was real brighter than the other ways" said scared Maxtn

"Then... put the password.." I said to him

"We..don't know the password... if we enter the wrong password the door will still open but that is the ticket to your death it will trigger all the traps inside this door.. and even if you tackle and make it to the end there is a nasty beast that you don't wanna see..." said Alya

"And how do you know there is a beast in there if you have never gone that way" asked kate

"We have heard of noises and we... we mightt have tried to break in and... we have lost lives... and i am not willing to tell everything to strangers" said Maxtn

"Ohkay.. so where do you enter the password?" I asked them

"There are many buttons on the floor but only one button opens the biometric door lock... the rest of them are bomb triggers..." said Cadex

"Let's just say you got lucky..." said Jr. Jessy looking at Jessica and she replied

"Yea...But if I did not set the bomb off then where is the Bio-metric lock?" asked Jessy

"It is here," said ANDIA... who was in the left corner of the gate.. and we went near her and saw the lock... and Now the hesitation and debate were about 'whose fingerprint to keep'... and I got voted which sounds absurd.. but still majority wins... So I went and kept my thumb finger in the Lock... Hoping not to die... Cus it will be embarrassing to die by trying to open a lock. 

But nothing happened an AI voice said 'Identity Confirmed, Please enter the Password to proceed' and now we need a password... but we don't know what that is... Because there are 10,000 possible ways of writing 0-9 numbers.. and one shot in opening the right lock...

We were thinking and thinking and thinking but nothing popped up... we were also scared... and I asked ANDIA's friends whether they knew about the password because they had already visited this place... But they did not trust us yet.. and we didn't trust them either yet... And then I recalled everything that happened in the past few days for a clue... 

After An Hour

Author's POV

they were thinking and thinking and nothing happened...

"Guys.. it is exhausting looking at that gate and this place is getting creepier in the dark... I wish that everything was as easy as Hacking" said Natalie and then something kicked inside the little brain of Liala... and her eyes wide opened and a little smile formed in her face...

"That...Is...It!!!" yelled Liala "The legendary X3 we have heard about can literally hack into anything and this is just a mere Bio-metric lock... Which is not even as advanced as that Supercomputer that X3 hacked into..." said Liala Sarcastically...and thought *now they are gonna be exposed* to herself...

"Okay.. then it clearly seems that you don't trust us... So Girls We Have A Locker to Open" said Katie enthusiastically gazing around for something....

"Yea... got it... and are you looking for this?" asked Jessica showing off a book in her hand

"Grokked it!" replied Katie... 

ANDIA and her friends were confused to see a book... not knowing what that book does to help them open the locker.... but their faces were full of confidence that said they couldn't do it....
When Katie took out the lock that was fixed onto the wall and started plugging out the wires and plugging it the book they got to the point that it was not a book with papers but a tech device and a tad bit of hope started to cling onto their faces....looking at Katie working on the Black frame...
"And now Let's hope that it works.." said Jessy with her eyes pasted on the Black Frame...

"We don't do hopes... We work..!" said Liala in a really serious and annoyed tone

"Fair enough!" replied Natalie and just as the argument was about to start Again... A Beep came and we looked at the BlackFrame...

"What the Hell?"  Katie Said in real annoyance... 

"What is it, Kate?" asked Natalie

"Who are we talking about... it is Darvin Devon... So everything about him will be complicated...Like always..." I commented... I guess he likes talking in Riddle... And sometimes nothing makes sense...  

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