Part 15

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"So you are saying that...The Big End happened after we clicked the Button and An anonymous person used Glendin's Sword to destroy the Whole Universe am I right?.... ("Hmmhmm" nodded ANDIA)... and it has been like 78 years now... but it was like just a fraction of Seconds for us? is that even possible...Maybe there was a fault in that device..." Said Natalie...who couldn't believe that we traveled through time and planet!

"So why are you all here... if you didn't know what happened?"

"Well... We are here to find a key... that opens a portal to our home-planet but I guess there won't be necessary now...!"

"What Key?" asked ANDIA

"Well the key that opens Glendin's Locker.... where the Portal is kept," said, Katie

"Kate... We, We need to talk..." I called her to confess the truth since everything was over

"Yea.. What is it?" she asked

"Well, that is we are not here only to take the Key... There is something else going on..." said Natalie


"That is we are here to-"

"To find the truth about ourselves, We are somehow blood-related to each other and to Greater..... Am I right?" said Katie

"I am so sorry we should have said bout this ear- wait... what? you knew???"

"Yes, mam.... I know"

"But how?" asked Natalie

"Well before we got into this Roller coaster.. I received a letter from an unknown person saying that we are not where we actually should be... I was curious and send a letter back saying that I want to know what does the letter meant.. and I wanted to meet the person but I received a letter back that said that he wish he could but he was being chased and his life is at stake if he meets me then the one chasing him would find out about us... So if I wanted to find the truth then we have hack into W.T's companies supercomputer... and since he knew we are hackers I agreed... But after hacking into the mainframe everything started to make a connection.."

"But that doesn't explain how you know that we are related to Greater?" I asked out of curiosity

"Yea.. that day Cassandra showed us a different language message send by the Greater... right When I got the Black-Frame to check these kid's physical reports... I used that chance to decode the message sent by Greater I saw it... and these kids are also related to us.. but I have no idea how"

"What...?" asked Jason and Jessi in Sync

"Your gene is the same as our... I was the one checking your Reports remember???"

"Oh.. So that is why Cassandra send us with you"

"And on your identification card at the bottom something was written I tried decoding it... but I don't know what that means but to my knowledge, you two have a third power for which the Threat level is 100%"

"Ok... So you knew everything and you acted like you know nothing to just make us scared of even speaking?" asked me

"Nah I just wanted the Surprise to be there..." replied Kate

"Hello... there are some here who doesn't have any idea what is going on here!" said ANDIA

"Yea... for the first time in my life I agree with her," said ASTANA

"Well... that is ANDIA, by any chance do you happen to know where Darvin's House is?" I asked her

"Which Darvin? Darvin Devon? Like in the one who went to Earth and Lived there?" questioned ANDIA

"Oh yea.. the Same old CEO guy, who died!" added Katie

"Yea sure but it is really hard to get inside his house no one knows how to enter in, cus his house is in the middle of a Maze... Like Really complicated Maze..." replied ANDIA

"You are an advanced Cyborg... Don't you know?" asked Kate

"Well, that Darvin guy is far more advanced CyborG than me... am a Part-Sentient Cyborg.. not like others.." replied ANDIA

"Oh-kay... so where is his House we can figure it out if we see it," asked Determined Katie

"Yeah... sure I can take you there... Come on..."

And ANDIA went to a cupboard in her wall and took out 5 surfboards... we were amused to see her take Surfboards thinking his house is in Water

"What are you looking at...Come on let's go..." called ANDIA

"Oh, yea... Let's go" said ASTANA

"I have only 5 surfers but you can extend it.. Two of you can use the same Surfer" Said ANDIA seriously... when she took us to the rooftop....

"Oh, kay... So how to use this thing?"

"Oh, you are from history... right... Place the Surfer on the floor And keep your leg on the board and once it becomes green Stomp on the board... Not too harsh, you might break it... And you are ready to go Balance your weight in order to move To and Fro this thing defies gravity" replied ANDIA like it was a piece of cake

"That is it?" I asked in a query

"Yea that is it" she replied full of Confidence

but it looked more complicated than what she said... So I hesitated to Step into it...

But Curious Nat got on the Board which ANDIA gave her and kept her foot on the board and Her leg was attached to the Board... She flinched when her leg got caught in the board... When she Fliched the Board took off from the Ground She was out of the wack... We thought she is going to get hurt pretty badly but then She controlled herself in midair... She is a speedy learner

Now it was my turn to Get on board... I was pretty scared at first... And then I caught up... Jason was with Nat in her board and Jessi was with me and Kate and ASTANA were together and ANDIA drove solo... It was pretty cool to fly on a surfboard... But i was actually not a big fan of flying... Jessi and the others made fun of me By the way i clung onto Jessi while I was riding.. even though she was enjoying the flight... it was an embarrassment to not know how to fly...

They still make fun of me but I don't care... Cus they are kids.......... Well maybe I care only a little bit

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