Part 10

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 "WAIT WH-WHAT!!?" shouted Katie....

"Yea.... We need you to lead them.... We don't know much about the power things but i heard from Devon that there many movies about these powers... so you must know? riiiight?"

"Yea movies... we have seen movies but we have never dealt with one!"

"But at-least you have seen it right ?"

"She has a point Kate!..." said Jessy 

Katie thought for a second and nodded in agreement, sooner we came to the conclusion that going back to earth is off no use, as we don't have anyone there.... So Sivon became our new home planet. We had a great time talking with those peoples... they call themselves Potentials... and mostly everyone in there was from the age of 6 to 17,  we saw things that we have only seen in movies.... All of them were Telekinetic, 

But sooner another Group came with their leader... who looked like Cassandra's Twin brother....?

"Well Well well..... Who am i seeing.... The Legendary X3" talked the person eyeing us out from top to bottom

"Yea, Welcome Caleb, Yea it is them... Katie, Jessica, and Natalie... and this is Caleb... Cassandra's Brother.." said Robbie

and my guess was right he was... but it was not that hard to guess... they both had the same sapphire blue eyes and red curly hair... but they are THE opposite based on character. 

"Hello, Everyone calls me The Clairvoyant (bows down) "

"Oh come on.. you named it yourself! don't brag!" said Cassandra

"None did name me so I named myself,  and naming myself is better than getting awful names like 'MAD WOMAN' and also Clairvoyant rings a big bell"

"Yea you are right.... it does ring a bell.....("really"said Caleb) oh sorry, it was the church bell! i thought it was your name?"said Cassandra and we were really chuckling behind... and i whispered 

"Robbie, are they always like this?" 

"Yea, they fight like cat and Dog.... they both can't withstand each others" answered Robbie

"I have never seen Cassandra this sarcastic!" commented Katie

"You are right... she is like a different person" said Jessy

"Guys... i forgot something... " i added...

"What is it...Did you keep one of the Evil robot switched on again?" asked Robbie with fear pasted on his face

"Nope.... Guys, my Brother... Nathen, No one knows about him except us...." 

"Oh.. yea he would have decayed by now..." said Jessy with a disgusted expression

"God, if Joe sees him... like that, he would definitely die of a heart attack," said Katie

"or have a panic attack and call 100!!" i added  

"Kids....? did you kill someone?" asked Robbie looking at us confused...

"Well, it is actually not kill... he slit his Radial Artery and was unconscious...." i said

"And did you take him to any doctors?"

"W...e actually hid him in our attic... before we were thrown here" i said with a guilty not guilty face

"W..what??? that is actually murder and you are saying he is your brother! are you not worried" 

"Yea... but he came to Jessy's house and threatened me.. saying i have to go to prison for killing my parents and he was on full drugs.... So am not worried or guilty!!!"

"Great... i should have expected this... right, I  should have expected that THE most dangerous kids in the all universe never pity anyone"

"Hey, watch your words! our sympathy is expensive... so only the lucky get it... like 'SIVON'  said Katie with a hairflip 

"Ya right... point made" said Robbie

"What is going on Robbie?" asked Cassandra

"Well, Madam we were arguing... that the X3 never pity anyone!"

"You really do tell everything to her don't you... !!!" said Jessy

"Why do you say that Robbie?" asked Cassandra

"Cus madam, Nat here killed her brother and hid him in the Attic"

"Uh... You did a pretty good Job there Natalie... i wish i had some options to do that" said Cassandra 

"I am officially offended sis.." said Clairvoyant with his hands on his chest... he sure knows how to be dramatic....

"Yea right" was the reply of Cassandra... "is that a eye roll I see? it is no way to talk to your beloved brotha sis... Manners" 

God... they wont stop arguing... i should probably step in...

"Umm well...I did not kill him, he slit his wrist and we forgot to take him to the hospital instead we hid him in the Attic," I told...

"Oh... that is Cool..... i have to try that sometimes..."(eyeing Caleb) said, Cassandra

damn! here we go again...

"i swear! Don't even dare to think about it!! and you kids are evil.... pure EVIL, even worst than Glendin" said Caleb

some kids who were standing there defended us.... "No, they are not!!!"

"We have.. Supporters.. So might as well kill you too!!" replied Jessica and Caleb faked Dying 

"Kay now stop with the game It is time.... we have to go back to our place...." said Cassandra

" am not sitting on that chair ever again..." said Katie...

"No we are not going by that instead we are getting a ride from the Potentials.... "

we were really scared to trust kids but even we are teenagers.... but they were pretty good with their powers.....


In a nick of a moment we found ourselves back at our Conference room.... and now the place was crowded with the Clairvoyant and his members, the Potentials and it was different than before.... A Little happier 


After i went near the Potentials i felt a connection... but i started feeling sick after that... we were talking about Nat's brother and after sometimes we came back... with everyone who came to that place... the Potentials helped us to get back... and i did not feel sick like it did when we came.... The conference room became crowded.... 

"Robbie, take the potential and show them their room"

"On it madam" and he went off

"Jessi and Jason.... wait here, you can take the others Robbie!" 

"And Katie i need you help with something...." asked Cassandra but something felt fishy...

"Yea... what is it Cassandra?" asked Katie with pure innocence  

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