Part 3

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I Slowly opened my eyes with a really bad headache and saw a lady was with us... She looked really scary, her messy blonde hair and her eyes looked really different, her pupils were green, she was wearing a Blue shirt and ripped Jeans... Jessy and Nat were slowly opening their eyes... the three of us were looking at that lady confused

Natalie asked "Um... Who... are you? and why did you hit us and why did you bring us here?" in a really polite manner, and Jessy and I glared at each other knowing that she was scared... Nat usually talks politely only when she is scared....

"Oh..Yea.. sorry... I am Sirah, and am sorry I had to hit to get you outta there.. and How are you feeling now?"

I asked her "Why did you bring us here? are you going to kill us...?"

Sirah smiled and said "No... of course, am not going to kill you all... in fact, I saved you from Dying. and what the hell were you thinking you are doing, going to the other side of the deadline?"

"Thinking?... Deadline? what is a deadline?" asked Jessy

Sirah replied "Dea.... you are not from around here....are you? and your clothes are too humane!? The.. Cassandra!!!" she was pretty surprised and excited...

I asked "Humane? you are also dressed the exact same as us!...and The Casa what...?

"The Cassandra, everyone thought she lost her mind but it is becoming true!!!" we saw Sirah's face lit up and she was happier than she ever was even though we only met her... when she said those words..

Natalie said "Whoa, Hold up there... what are you tryna say? Explain, who is this Cassandra and what the hell is a deadline?"

"Uh... Oh.. No No No Nononono NO... this isn't right ... You.. you are Jessica, Katie, and Natalie, right? Th... then da.. don't you remember anything.... any... anything about saving us? at least do you remember why you all are here right...?" Trembled Sirah... She was devastated..

"Natalie replied "Well... We are pretty blank... the only thing we do know is that we started to play a Game called X3 and the next thing we remember is waking up in that creepy ashy place and then we got hit on the head and brought here..?"

"Weell.. Do you know anything about the end...?" she was really eager

Jessy said "The End... yeah... Something about the end..."

Nat asked "End... What end?"

I said, "The Riddle... before we were magically transported to this so called Deadline...!"

Jessy said "Yeah.. I remember something... about spade, omega and a key...?"

Sirah said, "If I think what I think it means..... it is The Spada's Omega..."

"Yeah... the same...!" Said Jessy

"Oh no.. we can't get it.... it is too dangerous...." she was really scared by the way she talked

I said "Sirah, calm down and explain us... it has been more than an hour since we came here and you are talking in riddles and we can't understand anything,"

"Really? you don't know anything" scoffed Sirah

"Yeah, Neither head nor tail... so please explain to us Sirah.." said Jessy

Sirah sobbingly replied "Spada is the keeper of Sword's and he is the current ruler of X3, His real name is Glendin and the Whole X3 world is scared of him. He killed our ruler Dextin and claimed his throne and it has been doomsday ever since to us, And the Spada's End is the Key, as in killing that guy is the key to our freedom...but that is impossible, his sword is more powerful than anything... you have ever seen..."

"Whoa...Hold up this World?.. What do you mean by that?" asked Jessica

"Are we in a different world?" asked Natalie

"Yea... you all are sooo clueless!!!" replied Sirah

I said "Guys, this is something big and I guess that this Guy's death is our ticket to home!"

Sirah said "I will just give you three some time..."

"Kay" and after she left the room Jessy continued "And guys Sirah mentioned something about saving her and her people but we can't give her hope or we can promise her that we would help her..."

Nat said "Our Mission is to kill this guy and get the hell outta here and we can't expose ourselves even though they know our real name"

I guess there is nothing to be shocked of... even though we are in a different planet light years away from Earth...

As soon as Nat finished her words Sirah came in with a tray of 3 glasses which looked like olden days goblet with Celtic symbols on it...

"Here have a drink... it is just water"

we hesitatingly took the glass and sipped a little bit of the drink and it was just water and we were thirsty like hell so we gulped it.

Natalie started to talk after she drank the water "Sirah.... It is true that we are not from around here , but we have to get to this Spada guy ("His real name is Glendin and he doesn't deserve that title" said Sirah)... Ok.. We have to get to Glendin as soon as possible because he is the only one that can get us out of here ... i am so sorry but we are of no use here"

"S.. so.. yo.. you want to take you to him?...(We nodded in agreement) she was angry and scared when we said yes... "Get the hell out of here, you can't stay any longer, and going into Glendin's place and going into a lion's den is the same.. it is a suicide mission.... I got to warn you" and she kinda kicked us out of there...

So we planned to meet 'The Majesty' and we walked straight to the Deadline which Sirah mention, But we did not think that the Guards will be really scary, each one of them was the size of an Elephant, The siren went off when we entered a red line. One of the Guard came towards us and our hands and legs started to shiver...

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