"Y-Yes, I think him and m-me, we'd be perfect for each other."
"What about you and me?" She looked at him, beginning to blush, then shaking her head. "I don't know..." it really was true, she didn't know. "Why me?" He had to explain to her.

He sighed. "I need you y/n, I just need you." He looked pained, like he had no choice. "There's so many things I think about, my past my future, but when I think about you I'm calm and centered." Kakashi wasn't making much sense, and y/n was curious. She was taking a break from the whole therapy thing, but couldn't help asking. "Why- I mean what makes you feel like that?" He looked up at her, begging to chuckle. He moved closer to her, taking her hands in his. "See, you're naturally caring." So he liked her when she was warm towards people? Y/n was trying to figure him out slowly. Why did he do all this?

"Y-You didn't answer..." she subtly cleared her throat, why did he touch her so much? It was a lot for an introvert to take in.
He didn't think too much, his answers were pretty straightforward. "I guess I feel this way because of my past, I have all these violent thoughts, a lot of bloodlust in me, and you... you, eh..." that was the first time y/n saw Kakashi blush through his mask. What did she do in his thoughts? "You calm me down." He kept his answer appropriate.

She was genuinely sweet, pretty, quiet, her scent was beautiful, her body amazing, that's how she was to him. Perfect, she had qualities that others fake to appear like her, apart from the stutter which he thought was also cute. But Kakashi couldn't tell her that, not yet.

So he fantasised about her. Now that was difficult to take in. Friend killer Kakashi fantasised about her. Y/n was just completely confused at this point. There were still some things the could work on.
"Tell me, where or who is this bloodlust directed at?" Kakashi considered her question. "Towards this entire village." He shouldn't be telling her this but it was a weak point of his, the topic easily angering him. "Damn everyone, i lost so many people to this village, just like my father, who the villagers were incredibly ungrateful for." Y/n let him vent, looking up at him fully and nodding with his every word. "My friends, my father they, they made my dad- they fucking made him -" He stopped talking, shaking with an incredible amount of rage. She understood, his father had ended his life because the villagers completely looked down upon him. Y/n did what she was trained to do. "Take a deep breath, I'm- I want to help you." She reached for his hand, instantly calming him down, her warm palms comforting him.

Maybe she could figure out why he impulsively drew her here and stalked her and forced her on a date. Y/n slowly reminded herself of the past five minutes. This man in front of her was not entirely sane, she could tell that much. "I'm here to listen to you, everything that you need to let out." "You can tell me anything, let's try and figure, what makes you feel the most pain?" She knew there were a few things that they could cover here.

Kakashi smiled at her, yanking her forward so she could fall into his lap with a yelp. "Seeing you with Iruka." He purred, kissing her neck, going back to what he was doing five minutes ago. Oh, not again, what was this! Her cheeks were burning as he kissed all over her face, murmuring affectionate phrases every now and then. "Kakashi..." she pushed his chest, but now his arms caged her, beginning to unzip her dress. "What-!" Her eyes had widened as he began murmuring into her ear. "See you're so trusting, I pounced on you earlier, and you let me get close to youu." He was teasing her, but was it true, was she too trusting?

"Please!" He had to stop. "You keep me sane, you distract me y/n, I don't ever want to lose you." He zipped her dress further down. "Kakashi, I'm begging you, I don't know why you're-" He kissed her, engulfing all of her words with his mouth. Wah, not the kissing again, he didn't let her speak, hyper fixated on her mouth. Kakashi took his mask off, laying himself bare for her. Y/n clutched her dress before it slipped, looking up at him, his face almost made her drop it. It felt illegal to see his entire face, it made her body feel... weird.

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