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"Pr-prince.what are you doing " jungkook said.

"Answer me.till you answer things will be like this " taehyung said and turned jungkook.now both are facing each other.

"Tell me!" Taehyung roared.

"im.sorry.But-" jk cutted off

"But banryu knows it.why not me.we both are your friends for now at least.treat us in same way will you" taehyung yelled.

Jungkook flinched.

"No.no.he isn't.its not li-" jungkook cutted off by pair of lips.

Flashback in the morning at the same day with taehyung in the infirmary with jin

"Hyung,i have a question " taehyung asked from jin

"Yes tae.go on" jin smiled.

" I feel weird things.recently i feel butterflies in my stomach.and feel so overwhelmed.I can't get out someone from my mind.and I can't focus on a certain thing.that person always roam around my mind.give me a medicine for it" taehyung said.

Jin laughs loudly.

"Its not something can heal from medicine " jin said and patted taehyung head.

Tae pouted.

"Then.?" Tae asked.

"Who is that person make you fall harder " jin mocks.

Taehyung widen his eyes .

"I-im not fallen for anyone " tae said.

"Oh really.but the symptoms says otherwise" jin said

"You saying Im in love?" Taehyung asked.

Jin nodded."now tell me.who is it" taehyung asked

" its.....aaaa.its jungkook " taehyung whispers.

Jin widen his eyes.
It remind him banryu who was same like this at that time.

"Y-you love him too" jin shutters.

"What you mean by too?.is someone like him" Taehyung asked.

Jin nodded.

"Who?" Taehyung asked in dangerous voice.

" i-i can't tell you" jin whispers .

"Why?Tell me hyung please " Taehyung asked.

Jin shocked his head.
Taehyung sign.
"It doesn't matter to me.I will make jungkook fall for me" taehyung smile.

Jin smile and nodded.

And that time he made his mind to confess to jungkook before it too late.

Flashback end

Jungkook widen his eyes.

Taehyung grab jungkook by his waist and harsh pulled towards him.

Jungkook feel butterflies.now he is sure that he need this badly too.jungkook smiled and wrap his arms around taehyung then slowly pulled him away.

"Thank you for saving me yesterday " jungkook whispers.

"At least tell me as gratitude ,why you did something risky like that.what made you do like that" taehyung whispers back.

" i want revenge from him.he killed my parents unjustly " jungkook said and rest his head on taehyungs' shoulder.

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