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With jiminhookook

"What did you say?" Jimin asked in low voice.

"Yes hyung,its true." Jungkook said.

Then jimin didnt utter a word.he just walk passing jungkook and he bump his shoulder to jungkook.

"Hyung,please listen to me" jungkook said and grabbed jimins' arm.

"Dont you dare to talk to me.understood jeon jungkook?" Jimin said and went outside.

Jimin never called jungkook by his name.it is always kookie,baby or bunny to jimin.but now he address jungkook in his full name.on the top of that jimin never shout at jungkook.

Jungkook teared up.

"Kook,just give him some time.he will talk to you"  minhoo said after about 3 or 4 minutes  and hugged jk.

"B-but hyung.h-hyung shout at me.he is angry with me" jungkook said like baby.

"I have to talk to him hyung.I need to go to him" jungkook said and ran.

"Kookie," minhoo said."I should go too" minhoo also chased.

With other.(namjoon,taehyung hobi and suga,)

"Majesty,I have to go now.I will come half and hour.my dad wanted to discuss something with me" ban ryu said.

"Oh ok banryu.you can go.meet me when you over." Suga said.ban ryu went.

"Hyung,should we have to invite koryan kind and prince also?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes tae we have to right yoongi?" Hobi said.

"Yp we ha-" suga stopped middle of the sentence.

"Isnt that jimin?" Suga asked while pointing
Jimin.others look at it

"Yes he is.why is he running?" Namjoon asked.

Jimin keep running.namjoon,taehyung,suga,hobi were going to follow him but then they saw jungkook and minhoo also chasing jimin.

"Thats jungkook and minhoo" taehyung said.
"Why are they running?seems like something is off" hobi said.

They all went close to them.

"Hyung,please listen to me" jungkook said.
"  leave me alone jeon jungkook" jimin shouted.

"Hyung you should listen to kookie.he must have reason to keep it as a secret" minhoo try to help him.

"No minhoo.don't try to sace him.and you jeon jungkook leave me alone don't talk to me ever again.you heard me?" Jimin said in deep voice.

"Whats going on here.why are they fighting?" Hobi whispered to taehyung.

But taehyung is staring at jungkook.jungkooks' eyes are filled with tears and taehyung felt pang in his own heart.

"H-hy(hiccup)hyung(hiccup) please don't do this to me" jungkook said.

" we are strangers.we don't know each others right? Thats why you didn't tell me anything?you can't trust me?" Jimin chuckles bitterly.

And then jungkook lost it.he shouted at jimin too.

"Whats wrong with you hyung?why are you so stubborn.why can't yo-" jungkook was cut off by a slap.

Yes jimin slapped jungkook .

"Now you know how to raise your voice to me too right?" Jimin said and grab jungkooks coller.

And then suga went and pull jimin to him before it is late.jimin startled at first but then he calm down and hug suga suddenly.and started to cry unknowingly.

In other side jungkook unknowingly fell on the floor and started to cry like a baby.
Taehyung just staring at jungkook.minhoo is side hugging jungkook.

Jungkook get up on the floor.and talk

"Hyung,Im sorry.kookie won't do it again.promises hyung.I won't do it again
Punish me hyung but please talk to me" jungkook said while sobbing.

Jimin felt like thousand arrows hit to his heart.jimin slowly broke the hug and pulled him self from hug.

Jimin ran to jungkook and hug him.
And then jungkook start to cry loudly.

"Hyung is sorry for shouting and slapping  baby.hm.stop crying now.hmm?" Jimin said and broke the hug.

"No hyung Im sorry I should have tell you it.I won't do it again.you are not angry with me righ?" Jungkook asked in cute voice still sobbing.

"No no.hyung isn't.hmm.now smile for me" jimin said.

Jungkook smiled through his tears.
Jimin kissed jungkooks' forehead.

Suga felt weird when jimin kissed jungkooks' head.

"You go back to dorm with minhoo hyung.I will come.I have to go to meet lord kim." Jimin smiled.

Its clear to suga that  it is lie.

Then jungkook kissed jimins' cheek.

"Ok hyung." Jungkook said.

Jimin went off.

"You guys go to pavilion.I will come" suga said and ran behind jimin.

Taehyung look at once again jungkook.jungkook also look at taehyung.they both keep looking at each others.but taehyung broke it first.
He went to pavilion with others.

Jungkook and minhoo also turned and start to walk the opposite direct which taehyung walk.

Taehyung look back just last one time and he saw jungkook and minhoo walking away.

To be continue...................

Thank you for reading.💖😊🦄

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