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Suddenly the door of the infirmary open.

"Kookiee,are you ok?you didn't hurt anywhere right?" It was ban ryu.

"Oh.no hyung.why are you panicking ?is something wrong ?" Jk asked in confused tone.

"I heard you cried and jimin slapped you" ban ryu said while caressing jk s cheek.

"Oh no no hyung.don't misunderstand it.jimin was just angry and I made him angry.its ok.its not hurting" jk said and smiled sweetly.

Jin is watching the whole incident.
Of course jin understood that ban ryu is so caring for jk.jin chuckles.

"Why you two fought?I mean tell me if you are comfortable" ban ryu said.

Jin cough.

"Mm.love birds I have works to do.I have to visit namjoon.and I need to lock the infirmary .last week some herbs were missing while I wasn't in here.but if you two aren't leave till I come I can go without locking.mind to stay till I come?"

Jin asked.truly jin wanted to give them some space.jin always wanted to find someone as jks'  partner  who caring and giving enough attention for jk.

Yes.jk had rejected so many girls and boys.he always said that he would like to stay single till his partner shows up.

Actually jin didnt have any intention
to pair them its jungkooks' choice.

but the fact jk always turn down who aren't jimin or jin.he barely get along with new peoples.but now within one and half a week he becomes so close with ban ryu.so jin wanted them to give some space.beside he was impatient to see namjoon.hehe.you know.

Jk and ban ryu both blushes by the word love birds.ban ryu cleared his throth and looked away.

"Hyunggg!stop embarrassing us.and yes.my first period is free today.we can wait till you come.right hyung ?but if you dot have any works to do" jk asked.

"Yes.yes we can.I don't have any" ban ryu said.yp.he forgot he have to go to the coronation discussion.🤭😉

Jin went out.jk close the door.but didn't locked it.

Ban ryu sat on the infirmary bed.

Jk also sat beside him

"So,are you comfortable with telling me the reason" ban ryu asked in blue.ban ryu wanted to know the reason which hurting jk.

Jungkook look at the ban ryu and keep staring about 2 minutes.

Jk pro

Is it ok.is it ok to tell hyung about my past.I can trust him.yes I can.

"Its about my parents.you know them right?he was the ministry of military affairs in late kings time." Jk asked.

"Yes I know mr.jeon." ban ryu said.
"I noticed that you and he sharing the same surname.but didn't know the fact he is your father." He said further more.

"Yes.he is my father" jk chuckles in sadly.

"Hm.you can stop if you are uncomfortable kook" ban ryu patted jks' hair.

"No no.I trust you hyung.they were murdered by someone.that day I was at kitchen with mother.then we heard some one screaming.mom and I both went out and saw 5 assassins with swords.one of then stabbed to our maid.and mother told me to go to kitchen back.I was just 4.

I didn't understand anything.so i went back to kitchen and momwent to dad.i heard my dad yelling "you will pay for this sin.as well as others".

then mom shouted.I was so scared when mom shouted so i peak through the door and saw my mom and dad both were lying on the bloody floor.I was hiccuping and one of then heard me.I guess he is the leader.he was wearing different than other two and others bowed to him too.

then he came towards me little did he saw me but he stoped at his track when one of assassin shouted telling the royal army was coming.so he left me.But I saw something.something hopefully help me to find the murder.he was wearing a dragon bracelet.And I keep looking for the owner.but I found nothing.I gave up that.

But then i saw him again.that they when the library burnt.trust me it wasn't an accident.that was the owner of the bracelet nor the murder of my parents.he killed the guard.I heard he shouting by my own ears.then he came inside and threatened me.and then he burnt the library and flee.

And again I saw him yesterday at gisaeng house.he was talking with someone.he always covering his face so I don't know the face.he wasn't at the town for all these 15 years.but after 15 years he is back.I don't  want to loose this opportunity.I want to find him.but I didn't told the fact that I saw thee murder thats why he was angry with me." jk said.

His voice is sad and also filled with willingness and courage.

Ban ryu hugged jk.jk also hugged him back.

"Im sorry kook.you have went through so much.Im happy you have great peoples around you like jin and jimin"

"Yes hyung me too.don't misunderstand him.jimin hyung is overprotective and thats why" he said while keeping the hug.

Then again the door again opened.

To be continue ........................................

The door is keeping open guys.🤭😂.

I didn't apply the other pro s here.don't mind it.✨️

Thanks for reading.hope you enjoyed it.🌺

Vote guys.😊💖

And stay safe.💟🦄

Craving For YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora