Chapter 17

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Luke's POV:

After y/n's mom fell and ran as quick as she could back to her bus we all laughed and played video games.
We started heading to the first venue that we play our first show at in two days and let me tell you I never thought i would like traveling by bus but being here with my closest friends is amazing. Well...if you count y/n as a friend.

"Yo guys we are almost there! And the driver said once we get there we are free to go explore." Michael said coming into the back living room with a huge grin on his face.

Our first show is in Paris which meant we could still legally drink at our age. A smirk rose to my face.

"Uh oh what are you thinking breadstick?" Ashton noticed.

"Well... we are still legal to drink here.. why don't we go to the club?" I shrug my shoulders.

"Are you insane!? My mom will actually kill me! We have already made her furious!" Y/n shot up from the couch and made nervous gestures that I thought were adorable.

"Hey wait! I think Luke's onto something. What if we show your mom she's not in control of you? This could be perfect." Calum also got up an put his hands on y/n's shoulders to make her look at him.
This made me tense a little bit but relax because I know he wouldn't try anything.

"Exactly babe." My eyes went wide after the word rolled off my tongue and so did everyone else's too.

The blush rapidly rose to my cheeks and y/n walked over to me and placed her hands on my cheeks to cool them down.

"Okay I'm in...babe" she then smirked at me then walked out of the room swaying her hips.

All the guys and I are in shock.

Then they bust out laughing and Michael feel on the floor.

"Y- you should have seen your face!" He laughed clutching his stomach and pointed at me.
The other two had trouble keeping themselves standing and were leaning on things to keep themselves upright.

"Oh that was priceless." Ashton said breathless and wiped a tear from under his eye.

We are now parked outside the venue and I am in the bathroom getting ready to go.
I never really wear anything but jeans and shirts and maybe the occasional skirt but tonight I really wanted to impress Luke because I can see that we are getting somewhere.

I chose a black skater skirt with a red crop top with black vans because I mean who doesn't love vans?

I turn to look at myself in the mirror and my eyes widened.

I'm definitely not used to seeing myself like this but it is a nice change...hell I look hot as fuck.

I give myself a smirk in the mirror to give myself a little more confidence to walk out of the bathroom because deep down I was so nervous for Luke to see me.
I finished my hair and makeup and the. Took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping out into the tight hallways of the bus.

And just as I expected the boys were all staring at me with surprised looks on their faces, but none of their faces compared to Luke's priceless one.

His cheeks are tomato red and his eyes wide oh no but let's not forget about his jaw dropping to the floor.
His eyes did not break form me as I walk towards them.

"So what do you guys think? To much?" I roll on my heels.

"I-uh no you look great" Michael stuttered.

"You look different y/n. A good different." Calum gave me a smile and Ashton agreed with Michael and Calum. That's when we all looked at like who was at a loss for words.

"Y-you l-l- look stunning y/n." His worlds broke and my cheeks flushed pink. This was the first time I had the Luke Hemmings trying to find his voice.
Luke got up and placed his large hands on my waist and smirked at me before he kissed my cheek and the boys started hollering.

"LETS GO GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Ashton yelled and ran off the bus with us following suit.

Suck on this mom...

High achiever- Luke Hemmings Where stories live. Discover now