Chapter 4

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(Y/n's POV)

My mom and I stepped out of the Uber that drove us here to the airport. My mom insisted that we were driven everywhere and I honestly found it very annoying because we had a perfectly good working car in the driveway at home.

It's currently 5am and I basically just rolled out of bed when my mom woke me up so I'm currently wearing gray sweatpants and a very oversized hoodie. And let me tell you my mom begged me to change into normal 'presentable' clothes but I eventually won that argument because we had to get to the airport and were running late.

I slung my carry on over my shoulder and pulled my suitcase along behind me following my mother to check in.
Her annoying heels clicking against the hard floor. I never understood why she found it necessary to always wear heels, even in the house she wears them. Aren't you supposed to be comfortable in your own home? I rolled my eyes and put in my headphones turning the volume all the way up and left my mom to check us in.

She paid for the weight of our luggage and continued the walk to our boarding gate and yelled at me a couple times because I was walking to slow for'm sorry you woke me up before the break of dawn Evelyn cut me some slack.

Even my moms presents makes me angry I I try my best to ignore her all the time but that's really hard since all she basically focuses on is me.

"Be nice. I mean it y/n." My mom said sternly when we sat down waiting for the boys to show up.

"I know mom jeez. I'm not an asshole to everyone." I rolled my eyes.
She gave me a pointed look because of my language but ultimately I think it's her just pretending to care.

"And remember this trip is so that you can say you have experience when you apply for a job at my level not to have fun. Focus on the future."

If looks could kill I would definitely be dead right now.

"Yeah yeah whatever." I said and put my earphones in their case since the loud speaker said the flight would board in 20 minutes.

"There they are!" My mom stood up quick from her seat and did a giddy clap which made me cringe at how fake she acted towards others.

The guys walked with the producer who I met on that one day they were recording...I forgot his name though. And Andy their photographer was also walking alongside them.
They all greeted my mom with light hugs and smiles. But I understand they have to be nice to her.

Then all eyes were on me. I gave a small not and smile and mumbled a hello. It seemed to satisfy all of them because they emailed back and began talking amongst themselves waiting to board.

I stood there awkwardly and looked at my surroundings to seem distracted. That was until from the corner of my eye I saw the four boys moving towards me.

"Hey." The boy knew as Michael greeted.

"Oh hey."

"So are you excited? We are going to have so much fun on tour!" The Ashton guy slung his arm around my shoulder. I made a shocked and slightly uncomfortable face and I think he noticed because he dropped his arm.

"Uh yeah. My mom won't let me have 'fun' on this trip she's treating it like an internship for me." I let out a breathy laugh not wanting to show any bad emotions towards my mom.

"Oh damn that sucks well we're are going to have fun together anyway!" Calum says jumping in.

The last guys who hasn't said anything must be Luke.

He was staring at me as if trying to dissect a book and if there's one thing I hate it's people staring at me. When I was about to call him out on it my mom interrupts.

"Glad to see you guys getting along. The plane is boarding let's go!" She speaks in a high pitched voice.

We all groan and give the boarding employee our passes and go to our assigned seats.

I internally scream in pain as I realize I'm right in the middle of Ashton and Luke. Ashton is minding his own business but Luke is once again staring straight at me. But once he saw I caught him his cheeks turned red and he tried to look busy. I scoffed and plumped myself down on the seat.

This was going to be a long flight.

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