Chapter 15

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Y/n's POV:

As soon as Luke closed the door to the closet my mom walked through the slim door. She always looks so intimidating with her business skirt and heels.

"Hey mom." I smiled and swallowed my anxiety.

"Hey how was the bar?" She straightened her skirt and sat next to me.
Her eyes stared into mine as if she was looking for information I was trying to hide.

"Oh it's was good I had water and danced a little bit." I started to bounce my leg; on of my nervous habits and my mom knows this.

"Uh huh." She glanced at my leg. "We'll have you been learning? You know the main reason you're here?"

"Of course I have I'm always with the boys while they're doing business." I huffed.

We both hear a little snicker coming from one of the bunks since we lift the door open and I could tell it was Michael trying to hold in his laugh because Luke was scared shitless in the closet.

My mom rolls her eyes in annoyance and I silently cursed Michael.

"You are FOCUSING right?" She asked sternly.

"Yes of course I am! What makes you think I'm not mom? I promised you that I'd be professional and that's what I am." It was now my turn to be annoyed but my expression changed when I heard the hangers in the closet make a loud noise and a quiet "ow" follow.
I silently hoped my mom didn't hear him but when I turned to look at her it was clear that she did.

"What was that?" She stood up walking to the closet.

"What was what? I didn't hear anything." I am definitely not a good liar as you can tell.

"I know you heard it y/n! Do you think I'm stupid?!" She yelled and I had to hold back my tears.

She walked confidently towards the door and I could see the shared fear amongst the boy's eyes as they were now all watching.
The door flung open and there stood Luke covered in hangers with wide eyes like he had just been caught naked.

"Uh hi.." I gave a small wave and I could see my moms face turn red.

"So this is what you've been doing?! Sneaking around with this stupid boy!?" She got in my face as she yelled.

"Mom he's not stupid! He's really sweet!" I defend Luke which only seemed to make her more mad.

"Oh really? So you just lied to me when you said you were focused and stay professional?" She crossed her arms.

"No not entirely.." I stuttered and didn't know what to say.

This had to be the most awkward position yet. With the boys now also standing in the room and Luke still in the closet almost shaking.

High achiever- Luke Hemmings Where stories live. Discover now