Chapter 16

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Y/n's POV:
My eyes were so wide I thought they are going to fall out.

My chest tightening as she glared at me.

,,The question is..why are you hiding him huh? You doing something?" She yelled at me.

Luke clumsily getting out of the dresser. His hand scratching the back of his head.

,,I can't believe this! I bring you here to help me out and to occupy your lazy bum and you are here playing around with one of my clients?" She screamed.

Her voice booming thru the trailer. My eyes filling with tears as my cheeks turned bright red.

I could feel the boys looking at me. Their faces full with pity.

,,Mrs Y/L/N.." Luke started when he saw the water running down my face.

,,Not now Lukas. If you could all leave for now please!" She pleaded. Her hands pointing outside of the room.

I was expecting them to nod and slump out of the room.

And then her to yell at me all night. My chest was already falling and rising.

My hands shaking as I tried to keep in my sobs.

But that never happened.

,,I was actually planning on sleeping in here." Ashton exclaimed walking past her and throwing himself next to me on the couch.

His arm slandered around my shoulder making a warm feeling spread thru my body.

,,Yeah and me and Ash wanted to play some video games." Calum chirped in.

Also plopping next to Ashton on the couch I was shaking on.

,,Same here!" Michael sighed sitting on the arm of the seating.

Their arms crossed infront of their chest.
Glares building on their faces.

My moms mouth opened to say something but Luke cut him to it.

,,Yeah Mrs. And you are now pretty much disturbing us. Why don't you leave for tonight?" He asked.

His eyebrows rising and a smirk on his face.I looked at him stunned.

I never expected him to stand up against my devil mother like this.

And honestly. It felt good. My chest got all warm.

And a smile build on my lips.

,,How dare you-" she started shaking her head.

How dare they kick her out of THEIR trailer right?

,,You heard them mother. Leave." I spat.

It was now her time to get embarrassed. 5 teenagers practically ganging up on her.

,,Don't you dare talk to me like that Y/n! I am still your mother. I could send you home any minute."  She said again.

Nothing but threatening ever coming out of that women's mouth.

And this time I had enough. ,,Get out before I rip the bun out of your head." I whispered.

My eyes clouding over. Her face turning pale as her mouth hung open.

,,You heard her." They all said at the same time.

Luke looking over at me before winking. My heart skipped a beat before I smiled.

My mom scoffed disgusted. ,,You are not getting away from this Y/n." She spat before storming out.

Her heels clicking on the ground quickly.

And then it happened. Her ankles gave up on her and she tripped forward. Barely catching herself on the counter.

I could see everyone holding back their laughter.

Their faces bright red and lips quaking.

She stood up straight, brushing of her skirt before slamming the trailer door shut.

Loud roaring laughter filling it along side with the sound of us high fiving eachother.

High achiever- Luke Hemmings Where stories live. Discover now