Little Lies (OT8)

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The concern in Hyunjin's eyes only grew, though. "Are you sure? Still, you shouldn't push yourself too hard today. Take it easy, alright? And tell me right away if you start feeling sick again."

"I will, I promise."

"Good." Relaxing a bit, Hyunjin then smiled at him, gently taking a hold of the towel Felix was using to dry his hair. "Come on, let's go back to the room so someone else can shower – I'll dry your hair for you."

"You don't have to—"

"I want to. It's not every day we get a lazy morning, so let me enjoy this."

Felix knew he was going to love Hyunjin tenderly drying his hair – he'd love it too much, really. But he knew it'd be suspicious if he refused, and he also really wanted some sort of comfort after the emotional whiplash he'd suffered through because of how abruptly he'd pulled himself out of his headspace. So, with a small nod, Felix grabbed Hyunjin's hand and let the older guide him back to the room. Not slipping would definitely be a challenge, but he could handle it – like always.


"—and as such, Minsoo-ssi will be your new dance instructor until further notice."

Their usual dance instructor was pregnant and her eventually going on maternity leave was only expected – Felix simply didn't think it'd be this soon. It admittedly saddened him because he quite liked the older woman. She always treated them with respect even though she was older and more experienced, she always asked for their ideas and respected their opinions, and she also enjoyed a good prank every now and then.

But this new instructor, Minsoo, looked like the total opposite. Their eyes met, and Felix couldn't help but shrink back a little as the older man glared at him. Had Felix done something wrong? Had he offended him somehow? But they'd only just met!

Before he could start fully panicking, however, Minsoo looked away.

"I look forward to working with all of you," he announced, a tad imperiously. "I expect hard work, diligence, and discipline. I expect a lot from all of you, and those who can't keep up will just have to work even harder, got it?"

They all nodded in agreement, though Felix couldn't help but start to worry. The entire group, while extremely hard-working and professional, was also used to a slightly more laidback atmosphere. He simply hoped the new dance instructor would loosen up soon enough.


As it turned out, Felix had every right to be worried. Minsoo was not only a hard-ass and a very difficult person to please, he was also the type of man who enjoyed putting people down for the sheer sake of it. So far, he'd managed to insult every single one of the members in such a backhanded way that none of them could actually defend themselves, else they'd be causing trouble. But, for some reason, Felix couldn't help but feel like Minsoo was being particularly harsh on him. He didn't know if that was really the case, if the man truly was targeting him for some reason, or if he was just more sensitive to everything because of his repressed headspace.

One thing was for certain, though – by the end of their first dance session with Minsoo, he felt like crying.

"Yongbok-ah, a word, please."

The freckled boy stiffened at being called out, already halfway through the door. He very briefly considered just making a run for it but, when he met Seungmin's slightly worried expression, he forced himself to smile at his boyfriend.

"Go ahead, I'll catch up," he urged softly.

Whatever the instructor was going to say, he had the feeling it wouldn't be anything good, and he didn't want Seungmin to get in trouble for defending him. Not entirely convinced, the younger still went ahead and, as soon as he was gone, Felix returned inside the studio.

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum