Ch. 71 - Return to Earth

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The human still had his eyes closed until suddenly they opened the pale gold overcoming the whole eye.

Exactly where the human had his palm facing a black portal began to open. It began to consume the space around the whole area as black tentacles reached out from it, moving irregularly and sporadically.

Hunter blinked away the trance, the pale gold leaving and his brown eyes coming forth. Hunter was shocked to actually see the portal right in front of him.

"Did we do it?" He asked, the glowing marks dimming down as well.

"You did! Hopefully it leads to Earth!" Zekaj screamed in excitement, hugging his mate.

"Ok, we got everything right?" Hunter said, picking up the same backpack from earth and opening it. "We're wearing winter wear, got some snacks, water,"

Hunter paused looking at one of the items in the backpack before glaring up at Zekaj who only smiled.

"Lube?" Hunter said.

"We might have time, you never know."

Hunter only sighed, "Money, our phone," Which was dead since it hadn't been charged due to there being no electrical outlets in hell. "Looks like everything is here."

"Let's get going then," Zekaj said, excited to head back to Earth.

"It'll close behind you guys right?" Zekai asked, getting a little too close to the portal.

"It should be like any other portal," Hunter said.

"Ready?" Zekaj smiled at Hunter.

Answering by wrapping his arm around Zekaj's arm and holding his hand. The two made their way through the portal as Zekai yelled bye.

Unlike his arrival in Hell, leaving Hell felt like he was rising up through the void. Zekaj tightened the grip on his human as the ascent came to its sudden end.

The light was blinding to Hunter and he could tell they were airborne but with a gentle swoop, Zekaj held him in his arms bridal style, landing them superhero style on the ground.

Hunter blinked his eyes trying to adjust them to the brightness of Earth, they had adjusted to the darkness of the Void that it was almost painful.

"We made it," Hunter heard Zekaj say.

Opening his eyes again he could make out the empty alleyway filled with snow. Zekaj slowly lowered him back to the ground.

Standing on his own feet, Hunter saw the pale gold portal loathing a couple feet off the ground.

"Yeah, shitty aim bro," Zekaj laughed.

"Asshole," Hunter playfully pushed at Zekaj who only smiled back at him joyfully in his gray beanie.

Zekaj in winter clothes was adorable, he looked so cuddly and happy all of the time. It was a completely different vibe from his normal hell clothing. The clothes still had a touch of hell elements to them but were designed to look normal to anyone on earth.

"Your face is getting rosy from the cold already," Zekaj kissed Hunter's lips. "Now I'm not sure if it's from the cold or you're blushing."

Hunter bit his lip trying to keep himself from smiling. Hunter grabbed Zekaj's hand and pulled him down the alleyway and onto the sidewalk.

It was obvious to Hunter immediately that he had managed to get them to his hometown. They were downtown at the moment but a couple blocks away was home. Well, his old home.

"It's weird isn't it?" Zekaj asked.

"Yeah," Hunter whispered. "Let's just get there ASAP."

Zekaj kept Hunter close with an arm around his shoulder as the two headed down the sidewalk.

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