Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV:
,,What about him? He's so in your league!'' Caroline, the girl I sadly met in kindergarden whispered.

My eyes rolling I turned to her. ,,Stop that! I don't do love nor do I need a relationship. Way to distracting.'' I exclaimed

She huffed. ,,Oh don't flatter yourself. We both know that when the right guy comes, school will fly out the window for you.''

I laughed shaking my head. My eyes scanning the school grounds. I could never lower my standards for any of these idiot jocks.

,,You don't need a relatshionship. But what about a fling? Summerbreak starts next week.'' My darkhaired bestfriend smirked.

A sharp breath got stuck in my throat just by the thought of being in any of these disgusting creatures bed.

,,Have you lost your mind? Besides, I am going to join my mom this summer.'' I smiled proudly. Her face dropping immidatly.

,,And why in the fuck would you do that? Isn't she a manager of like a band?'' She asked.

Caroline and I are the defention of polar opposites. While she would makeout with teenage boy..or girls I would study for the history exam on monday.

,,To prove her that I CAN and will be just as succsessful as her! More so!'' I exclaimed proudly. My back straightning.

A sad smile forming on her lips. She knows how much pressure my parents really put on me. With a manager of a succsessful band mom and orthopedict surgeon dad I never really got a break.

Not because of them not giving me any. But the constant fear of dissapointing them can be so overwhelming.

,,Did you ask your mom to?'' She asked. Taking another bite of her chocolate granola bar. If it atleast be with raisins.

I shrugged. ,,I never asked her. She suggested it because I should try out managing. I said yes, ofcourse.'' I stated raising my eyebrows.

,,What's the bands name?'' She asked with a full mouth as she whipped her phone out.

,,5 seconds of something.'' I mumbled glancing at her phone and watching her type in the words.

The search ,,5 seconds of summer'' popping up her phone immidatly.

With a rapid heartbreat I watched her click on it. The first thing I see are 4 overly handsome boys stick their tounge out on me.

One with an AC DC shirt and a hat, one green haired one who looked like he is very loud, one tanned one with blue eyes and blonde hair. He even had a lipring.

Damnit. ,,Oh damn..they look like a punkrock one direction.'' She laughed making me glare at her.

,,They look hot! I advice you pick one up.''



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