9: Teenage Talk

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Katsuki smiled softly, seeing his son walk up the driveway. The school bus had just dropped him off, after a long day in 8th grade. It seems just like yesterday that Kazuo was in diapers... Yet, here he is, a healthy 13 year old boy. A teenager already. 

The door opened, with the greenette walking in. The more he grows, the more he resembles his mother. Katsuki likes that. Not in a perverted way... No, he just liked the fact that he looks so much like his mother, rather than himself. 

"Hey dad, grandma, grandpa." The boy said, waving at the people around him. 

"Hey kiddo, how was school?" Mitsuki asked, smiling at her grandson. The boy replied with a shrug, which immediately let Bakugou know: Something was wrong. The greenette was usually happy after returning from school. He always answers with full answers. He never responds with a simple action. 

The blonde waited a few moments, and then asked his kid to follow his upstairs. They both walked up the flight of stairs, leading to Kazuo's room, which was a gym at first. 

They both sat down on the bed, with the boy waiting for an explanation. "What is it, dad?" He asked, curious. His father tilted his head to the side. "What's wrong? You seem off." He stated, waiting for his son to answer. The greenette suddenly looked down, smiling softly before looking up. "I'm fine!" He claimed, stuffing his hands between his knees. "I'm your father, I know you're not fine. What's up?" He asked, once more, earning an embarrassed look from the younger male. "Nothing. I don't want to talk about it." 

Katsuki frowned. Maybe a first love? A failed class? He's definitely hiding something.

"What's wrong?" He asked once again. "You can tell me anything, Kazu."

The teenage boy sighed roughly before clearing his throat. A pink tint came across his cheeks, before he started talking. "Something weird happened today." He spoke, uneasy about the whole situation. "Like what?" Bakugou asked, even more curious. His son glanced frantically at his parents, before looking down to his hands. "I learned a little about it in class. I think... If I remember right, I think they called it an erection?" Kazuo said, seeming unsure. 

Katsuki's heart skipped a beat. His son was at that age, huh? Well, shit. He does grow up too fast.

"Oh... I see." Bakugou said, now regretting that he questioned the boy.

"It happened in class earlier today. I don't know why! It just happened. It never did before. It felt weird." Kazuo muttered, his voice now a little shaky. Katsuki took a deep breath. It's normal. Kazuo's a teenager now. He's probably got a lot of questions about sexual things, and how the body changes. So far, Katsuki's done a terrible job at talking to him about this stuff. He's never even mentioned it. 

"It's normal though..." The blonde man said, sighing as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Nothing else happened though? Just..." Bakugou cleared his throat, not knowing if he should continue. 

"Nothing extra really happened. It just kind of... Well, Um... Let's see... Er, kinda like a wave! It disappeared as quickly as it got there!" The young boy said, still avoiding his father's glare. Katsuki nodded. When your body starts doing these things, it's hard to control for some people. Apparently, Kazuo's hadn't experienced an ejaculation yet. 

"You didn't go to the bathroom? How long did it last?" 

Katsuki knew he sounded sort of creepy, but he wanted to try to help Kazuo through this. 

"I wasn't allowed to go. Besides, it only lasted like, 5 minutes max." The boy muttered. "But every guy has this, right? There's no way to get rid of it?" 

Bakugou looked down, inhaling deeply. 

"Well... You said earlier you've learned about it in class a little. Did you hear about masturbation?" The blonde asked, curious. The small male shook his head, before looking up to his father, curious. "We only learned about erections and periods." He stated.

Katsuki nodded. "Okay, well, masturbation... Uh, it's sort of a... Kind of a way to get rid of an erection. To... M-Masturbate, there's different ways to do it, y'know? For most guys, it's just a quick hand-job. You stroke it." He said, making his son turn red. 

"I see." Kazuo responded. 

Bakugou suddenly felt terrible. Both him and his son were uncomfortable. None of them wanted to be doing this. But Katsuki felt as if he had to explain a little bit to his son. 

"You know how sex works and all, so I won't bother you anymore. But... If ever you have any questions, I'm here, okay? Don't be scared to ask." Katsuki said, patting the boy's back and leaving the room. 

Just as Katsuki was about to leave, he heard his son's voice. 


The blonde turned around, looking at his kid. The green haired boy smiled softly, blushing before he looked down. "Thanks." 

Bakugou smiled back, nodding. "No problem, kiddo." 

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