• 47 ~ Let Me Be By Your Side •

Start from the beginning

A deep silence followed once Childe left. Y/n hesitantly looked at Scaramouche, only to find his eyes burning with rage.

"The nerve of that bastard..." He stared at the door Childe closed on them, seemingly pondering whether to break it down.

Y/n nervously patted him on the back. "H-Hey, it'll be fine..."

Scaramouche paused, then turned to Y/n. "It'll be fine, you say. Alright then. I'll leave this one to you."

"Eh?" Y/n froze.

"Convince Childe to aid us in the awakening of Osial."

"Wait. There's- so many things wrong with that-" Y/n grew nervous. "That's a whole harbinger, and we're not even talking about why you want to 'awaken' a... what?"

"It is simply, really." Scaramouche frowned. "It is all to furthen the investigation on the ktisis."

"No, I get that! But have you even considered the implications of this on... I don't know? The whole of Teyvat?!"

"We've been over this." Scaramouche narrowed his gaze. "I suggest you stop questioning the morality of my actions."

Y/n sighed in defeat, which perked his ears up.

"Hm?" He smirked. "Are you regretting it now? The fact that you chose me?"

"Not at all." Their reply was instant. "I've decided to stay by your side through thick and thin. This is simply a part of what I chose. However..."

They looked at Scaramouche. "You're gonna have fun with me in Liyue."

"'Fun'?" Scaramouche chuckled dryly. "Alright, if that's what gets you to stay loyal."

• • • ᯽᯽᯽ • • •

Maybe it was simply that the harbingers were extremely hard to run into. Or maybe it was just Y/n who struggled to find them.

The Eleventh Harbinger was apparently preparing to leave to another nation now, the details of which Y/n was unfamiliar with.

All of this wouldn't have mattered to Y/n if they didn't have to extract that crucial piece of information from him.

Dark had fallen by the time they stepped out of the Zapolyarny Palace, into the snow that almost threatened to reach their knees. Despite how cold the palace's hallways usually were, they were still warmer than the area outside.

Y/n had seen the harbinger, Childe, doing what looked like... attacking the air with a long blue polearm whilst standing in the thick snow. They assumed he was practicing and came down to converse with him, but by the time they reached, nobody was there.

"You." They heard from right behind them, and a gust of wind near their neck. They could tell from their side view that it was Childe's polearm. The blue seemed to be due to the hydro powers he was using.

"You're Scaramouche's satellite." He continued. "Why have you come out here? You've been looking for me."

Y/n didn't have anything to hide. "Yes. That's right."

"You know that it doesn't matter what you say." His gaze turned slightly ominous. "I'm still not going to aid the Balladeer."

"Why not?" Y/n frowned. "You said before that you won't help him because these aren't the Tsaritsa's orders, but if she had something to oppose with this, she would've already done so."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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𝕊𝕠𝕦𝕝 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕄𝕖 [Scaramouche x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now