"No! Noo! Don't you dare Taufan! Don't you dare! Gempa help us Gempa! Come on! You're the only sensible one among them" plead Yaya softly by adding her puppy eyes. Sai and Shielda shakes their heads frantically at Yaya. Gempa then answer her sincerely "Awh okay Yaya don't worry I will help you guys.... Get close to each other!" Gempa's grin become wider and he continue signalling the frog become faster.

"Kyaaaaa! Okay! Okay! We surrender! We surrender! I'm sorry guys for not having a day sharing my biscuit with the others!" Shout Yaya surrender. The other victims eyes bulging from hearing the confession and Ying continue "Yeah! yeah! We surrender! Just keep that slimy rocky creature away!" Shriek Ying.

Taufan who's recording all the scenes let out a big laugh and signal the frog to step back. The frog then retreated with nowhere in sight. A howl was heard outside the door, and when it's open, it reveal a grinning Solar and Duri dragging Fang and Gopal that are exhausted from their previous torture.

Suddenly the ceiling was breaking and it reveal Blaze, Ais and Halilintar are fighting Laksamana Tarung , Komander KokoCi , and Kapten Kaizo respectively. "You think you can hide! Attack at the front you cowards!" Yell Blaze at Laksamana who just grin in reply. Ais who was growing bored from a repetitive dodge by KokoCi, Laksamana and Kapten Kaizo decide to freeze them to end it once and for all.

KokoCi who notices his intention then quickly contact Ochobot to bring Tok Aba here, Ochobot just answer "Why Tok Aba?" from a sudden strange request. "I think he is waiting for us opening the teleportal! Believe me and do- Argh!" KokoCi's body was frozen from Ais attacks like Kapten Kaizo and Laksamana who couldn't move anymore.

"We surrender Boboiboy! you win the game!" Yell KokoCi suddenly to his multiple cadets. Sai, Shielda, Yaya, and Ying exhales a relief breathe for the decision when they could see the trio troublemakers are bringing out the snakes, cockroaches, and frogs. They pout when their buddies are no longer needed and the blackmail materials can no longer be increase. Laksamana and Kapten Kaizo question the decision but didn't voice it out after looking at KokoCi determination's face.

"What? Already? Awh we just played for two hours! We don't even reach two accurately ! It's not enough!" Whine Gempa for dissatisfaction. Seeing Boboiboy Gempa, the sanest and most responsible one among Boboiboys whining was noted to all of the victims mind, 'Boboiboy is not at his right mind''.

"Hey! how about we play with the pirates! They have an armada and surely their headquarters have many people that we could play with!" Blaze voice out his idea to his brothers that glint an excitement on their eyes. While the victims wear an expression of a great dread for the suggestion. "W-w-wait you're joking right!" Question Gopal to his best friend with fear.

When his question was answered with a seven grins, he knows that the universe is doom. When Taufan just about to dash with his hoverboard, suddenly a portal was open in the room. It reveals a grumpy Ochobot and a grinning Tok Aba, he then look at his watch and nod with satisfaction. Some of the victims are questioning Tok Aba's sanity in jumping to the ocean full of sharks, the others asking for the relation, while one person inspecting his move as if learning.

"Boboiboy come here, it's been a while my dear grandsons" spoke Tok Aba softly to the said grandsons. Each of them run to Tok Aba and hug him tightly with Halilintar and Solar no exception. The victims eyes could be bulging out from the socket after seeing the scene. Tok Aba hug them back tightly while caressing one of them tenderly that end with Gempa. Then Boboiboy was revert back to original and slowly fall asleep from the affection given.

Ochobot come help Tok Aba bring Boboiboy to chairs that was arrange like a bed. Boboiboy breathing than slowly calm and he fall into a deep sleep. Suddenly all of the Boboiboy's power that traps them crash to pieces with the absence of the owner's control. They slowly free themselves from the trap and walk toward the boy they have been staring at since he yawn. Gopal wave his hands in front of Boboiboy's face to check if he's really asleep.

"Hehehe" their gaze then shift from the boy to boy's grandpa that are grinning triumphantly. Gopal then suddenly crouch down in front of Tok Aba, "Tok, I'll pay whatever debt I've if you tell me what is going on" speak Gopal sincerely and hopefully judging from his shining and watery eyes that look like he's seeing a God. Tok Aba's grin widen from the expected proclamation, and sit to share their unfortunate situation and at once signalling others to get a comfortable position for a might be long explanation.

"Well I'll share what I warn to Ochobot which Ochobot then deliver it to Komander I presume... Minimum the sweets will keep the trouble away" Tok Aba begin his explanation. "What do you mean Tok Aba?" Ask Fang. Tok Aba then proceed, "Where was Boboiboy at the party?" Tok Aba reply the question with another answer. KokoCi suddenly remember Boboiboy loiter around the DESSERT CORNER, and when he can put the puzzle together, he then proceed to ask "But how is that possible Tok Aba?"

"Dey what is this that you guys keep on answering the question with a question?" Demand Gopal for the explanation. For once in a while, everyone was agreeing with Gopal. Ochobot let out an exasperated sigh "Haih Atok, Atok". Tok Aba just reply with a short laugh and proceed.

"To put it in a simple word, Boboiboy is an energetic kid that if he consume a certain volume of sugar, he will become too hyper and uncontrollable kid. Usually it could happen for 3 to 4 hours depend on his condition, but him splitting into seven adding with him in his second tier form, his body consume more energy than usual thus make it 2 hours. So if he didn't split, he could go for about 4 to 5 hours maximum. His parents has twice faces this situations and you guys could said that his sugar consumption was monitored since then. But I think you guys just need once is enough right?"

"Haih, how are we so lucky to have this type of grandparents" Ochobot sound exasperated. The others could just let their mouth hang open. "Oh before I forgot to mention, he will not remember anything during his sugar rush time" add Tok Aba. Okay now they can't do anything except monitoring Boboiboy's sugar consumption.

"So which one do you prefer? A sudden attack or sugar rush Boboiboy?" Ask Tok Aba mischievously. 'Of course the spy are more welcome than a sugar rush Boboiboy' thought everyone. He just take over the whole base in 2 freaking hours!'


So how about my first oneshot ever? Leave a comment please and you are free to criticise.

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