Ill kiss you for that (40)

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Falling in love. Is weird you never know when you actually 'fall'

Maybe you fall in love for the wrong people maybe you don't.

First loves,  seconds loves and third loves so on so fourth You never know when you fall in love with the person but you know you have when all you want is for them to be happy and they make you happy.

First loves are the death of some people but I say first loves Aren't really your first love if that makes sense, I say they are your first attachment.

Falling in love is scary but fun, you never know what can happen.

It's a game of trust, you have to trust said person who you're in love with that they won't fuck you over and break your heart.

Scary but fun, dangerous but exciting

Love like a roller coaster

Love like it's your last day on earth because hey it might just be your last day.

You never know

——Eren's pov——

"Ha ha" I said while looking between Armin and Jean "you aren't asking her out Fuck face" I spat while glaring at Jean

"What's stopping me it's not like you guys are dating" he said while leaning back in his chair "You haven't even asked her out"

"Yet" I bit the inside of my cheek "So don't get any fucking ideas about asking her out"

"Eren" armin put a hand on my shoulder "news flash, half the people we know are going to ask her out"

"Like who?" I said while raising an eyebrow

"I know at least five on the basketball team that want to ask her and I have two other guys ask me about her" Jean said while armin nodded "you better hurry up and ask before she says yes to someone who isn't you" Armin said

Fuck this I don't even know if she fully likes me. Sure we kissed but we haven't talked about it at all since the fight which we also don't talk about.

"So when should I do it?" I asked, looking at them "should I do it tomorrow? Or today or what"

"You're stupid just ask her today" Armin said while someone opened the door at the same time

"and that's why you should always drink water!" Jean yelled while we all looked at the door, all hoping it wasn't Mikasa

"Ask who today?" Sasha asked while closing the door behind her "oh my god are you asking Mikasa out?"

All of our jaws dropped "how did you know" I said while getting up and pacing the room "is it that obvious"


"What if she says no"


"What if she laughed at me which I know she won't do but still what if she lets me down gently or worse what if she says yes but doesn't want to go with me because Mikasa is way too nice and wouldn't want to hurt my feelings and what if-"

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