Another party? (14)

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———Eren POV———

"Are you done?" I asked while looking over Mikasa's shoulder trying to see what she was drawing

She shuffled away and gave me an annoyed look "Have patience Eren"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes going back to the paper in front of me "You are taking half the class surely it isn't that hard to draw"

We had Hanjis class right now and Mikasa was currently drawing a picture of the brain and it's taking her half the class!

She pushed me to the side and slid the drawing towards me "here" she simply said while handing me the pencil

The brain was half drawn but it looked amazing "what?" I asked while looking at the pencil

She waved it in my face, an evil grin plastered on "if you want to see how hard it is to draw then here" she shoved it towards me "Draw the damn picture Eren"

I rubbed the back of my neck, Shyly smiling at her "I uh can't draw?"

She laughed. She fucking laughed. "You can draw. I've seen you" she pointed

I shook my head 'no' but she didn't apparently know what that meant. "I'm not doing it" I slid back the drawing to her

She slid it back "do it."



I sighed and rubbed my forehead "please Mika"

She looked at me her Grey eyes shining with an emotion that I couldn't understand "Fine." She grabbed the paper and started to work on it again.

The project was due on Monday and it currently is Tuesday. We had class time today which thank god we did because Mikasa and I haven't started the project yet.

"The bell is going to ring in a minute Want to leave?" Mikasa asked while looking up from the drawing.

I turned towards the time and nodded at Mikasa "let's go"

We walked out of the class side by side and walked down the busy hallways "Eren!" Someone yelled from behind me and I didn't even have to turn to know who it was.

Mikasa held in a laugh but failed miserably. I leaned down to whisper to her "on the count of three we run" and before I could even say three she yelled it and ran off leaving me behind.

"Ackerman!" I yelled at her while trying to catch up with her but it's not my fault she's on a fucking track team. Sure I was on a basketball team but I'm not the best runner and I'm definitely not better than Mikasa.

"Catch up you slow fuck!" She shouted over her shoulder and turning a corner.

I ran full speed and turned where she went and knocked into someone and we both fell. Me landing on top of the person.

I made an audible groan while still on the ground.

"What the fuck Eren?" Mikasa groaned from under me.

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