What if? (39)

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What if?

What if.

What if what? is the question.

A lot of things don't make sense.

A lot of things do make sense.

Most of the time things don't make sense.

And that's ok because that's just how it is.

Maybe you love someone.

Maybe you don't.

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and last but not least December.

1 Year, 12 Months, 365 days, 8760 hours and 31536000 seconds.

Everyone has a special day or holiday that they enjoy and can't wait for, some people love Christmas some love Halloween some love their birthday.

Yeah you like Halloween but after that's over what do you look forward to after? Christmas.

What about after Christmas? What do you look forward to after that? Maybe your birthday? Maybe basketball season.

The point is our life is a never ending cycle and yes you probably heard this before but still.

We keep looking towards the future for better right? You could be 16 and looking forward to turning 17 but when your turn 17 what do you do? You begin to get excited for 18 for what? So you can drink and go out.

But what happens when you're past 18? You have to get a job, you have to start looking for colleges or universities. Maybe you don't have to do anything maybe you already have a job or maybe you don't need one.

Maybe you want to take a gap year or just don't want to go to college.

Hey whatever floats your boat man.

It's funny cause we always look forward to the future, always looking for the next best thing. But what happens when the best thing has happened already?

What happens when there's nothing to look forward to anymore?

But oh well that's life I guess

The messy

The ugly

The pretty

But is it all really worth it?

The answer is yes. It's all worth it in the end.

But is it really worth the pain to get to the end?


Do you ever wonder what would have happened if you never did that one thing?

You know like maybe never went to the school you're going to or maybe if you never texted that one boy or girl that one night.

What if mikasa's mom never died? What if Levi and Mikasa never moved?

What if Eren or Mikasa never blocked each other after she moved away? What if they still kept in touch?

What if mikasa's dad never left and her mom was still breathing? Would things change? Would everything be different?

How would everything change?

———Mikasa's pov———

in another life...

"Mom!" I yelled from upstairs while packing the final bits and pieces of my clothes

Hearing some shuffling from downstairs my mom yelled back "Mika!"

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