Girls washroom (09)

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———Eren pov———

"Eren are you sure you want to do this...." Jean said while crouching behind me

"Shut it Horse face you in or out?" I whispered

"In but hurry the fuck up"

"Shut up you are gonna get us caught" I semi yelled

"Hurry the fuck up Yeager"

Ok so you might be wondering what we are doing so earlier today I found out mikasa made the volleyball team with Sasha and they are currently in practice right now. so right now I'm doing the only logical thing a person would do. I'm stealing her clothes.

I ran up to her gym bag and found her school clothes that she was going to wear key word: was

"Fuck! Eren let's go someone's coming" Jean said by the door

Fuck. Grabbing the clothes i ran to the door and kept running not bothering to see if Jean was behind. Turning a corner I put my hand to my heart trying to control my breathing

"Fuck Yeager really? You really wanted to steal her clothes?" Jean said walking towards me

I just shrugged in response and made my way to my dorm room "it's fine she can borrow clothes or wear her volleyball stuff for all I care"

Walking up the stairs of the dorm building I made it to my room and opened it to a Ymir sitting at the desk playing on her phone "Jesus Ymir" I said getting scared.  how the fuck did she get in

"Where the hell have you been we have stuff to do"

"I've been busy" I said shrugging and walking towards my bed and throwing mikasas clothes to the side of it

"Whos clothes?"

"Eren stole casas clothes while she was at practice" Jean said walking to Connies bed and sitting

"She's gonna beat you ass" Ymir said with a laugh

"She can try Also what do we have to do?"

Ymir looked at me with furrowed eyebrows "huh?"

"You said we have stuff to do"

"Oh facts. Yeah no we don't but I'm bOred"

"You guys want to go...Don't you have a game today?" I asked seeing how Ymir made the guys football team

"Of FaCts" she said while nodding her head

"Do you guys want to go eat?" Jean said while texting someone on his phone

"Yeah let's go to-"

I was cut off by my door bursting open "WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY CLOTHES?!" A very angry Mikasa yelled

"Holy fuck!" I yelled while holding a hand to my heart

"WHO TOOK THEM?!" She yelled looking at all of us. Ymir laughing her ass off and Jean almost fainting

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