Pranks (35)

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Eren POV

Im getting her back for the fucking nail polish that I had to scrub for hours to actually get anything off.

My fingers were still pink and black. Fucking stupid. I know she was lying when she said she didn't have nail polish remover.

Im a genius and she will probably hate me for doing this.

Hate me enough to like me? Probably and that's what I'm hoping for.

After leaving her dorm I didn't go back to mine. Instead I went to the corner store and bought washable paint.

Yup she will definitely hate me.

I'll wash it off don't worry

Making my way back to campus I went to where Mikasas car was parked. What should I write?

'Fuck face? Nah to aggressive

Asshat? No she would get mAd

Emo girl? She would kill me.

"What are you doing?"

"Fuck!" I yelled, where the fuck did Annie come from "what the fuck Annie."

"She didn't mean to scare you. she just does that" Armin laughed while putting an arm over Annie's shoulders "What are you doing though?"

Rolling my eyes and Turing my gaze back to the car I scrunched my eyebrows up. What am I going to paint? "Mikasa's car needs a makeover. What should I paint on it?"

"Oh!" Annie suddenly yelled "draw a bird" she simply said while looking around the parking lot

"A bird?" Armin and I questioned

Annie nodded while looking back at me "She got attacked by one the other day it was pretty fucking funny" Annie laughed

Mikasa got attack by a bird? What the fuck. "What do I write below it though?"

"You know" armin laughed "Shes going to kill you"

I shrugged while looking up to the sky and seeing a bird fly by. His name should be Gerald. Whatever that means. "I'll die eventually might as well die by Mikasa" I laughed which Annie sighed at

"Good luck" Armin called out while walking slowly away with Annie "I don't want to be here if Mikasa comes"

Rolling my eyes I flipped him off before getting to work on her car. Yeah I promise I'll clean it.


"Jean!" I yelled while running up to him in the hallway "Here" I shoved the paint into his hand

Just a second ago I saw Mikasa going to her car with Sasha so might as well blame Jean for the car. I didn't want to die.

"What Yeager?" He said confused on to why I was giving him paint

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MY CAR" a loud scream yelled so loud I could hear it from where I was.

Turning back to Jean "Say it was you please" I said while running down the hall and leaving Jean there "I love you jean" I smiled sweetly while turning left and hearing Mikasa burst through the entrance- right where jean was.

"You" she sneered at Jean but I couldn't hear the rest because I was running away. I did hear a high pitch scream that was probably jeans.


"Ymir!" I yelled while running to her and Historia "help hide me!" I said while running behind her and hiding but she side stepped and looked at me with a raised eyebrow

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