Downtown (16)

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———Mikasa POV———

I looked up at Eren through blurry version because of how wet my eyes were from crying.

He gave me a sad smile while looking down at me and after about a minute of just looking at each other we let go and backed up two feet to get some distance and it felt like I could finally breathe.

I've always thought Eren was sorry but I've never gotten an actual apology and he was a fucking asshole to me when I first came back but the more we have hung out the nicer he has become and it made me miss him so fucking much and the fact that he apologized made me miss him even more.

I miss him. I miss our friendship. I just miss being his number one. 

I looked down at my feet and picked at my nails not sure what to do right now because what can I do? I mean I just cried my eyes out in front of him and yelled at him and he did the same.

I could hear the small sniffles from him while crying and I felt teardrops on my head but I didn't say anything because I physically couldn't talk.

I looked back at him from feeling his gaze on me. He looked to the side of him and motion for us to start walking which we did and we just walked down the dark empty sidewalk our footsteps were the only thing you could hear and on occasions, you could hear some sniffles from the both of us.

Eventually, we made it back to campus but we didn't go back to the dorm. We went to the parking lot and went into Eren's car that he's had since grade nine even though he couldn't drive yet Carla decided to get him one, something along the lines of 'every time he sees this car it will push him to actually learn how to drive.

I got into the passenger seat and sat down while looking out my window, Eren got into the driver's side and began the car driving down the quiet road with no cars insight I'm not surprised because it is 1 am and it's a Thursday night.

We kind of just ended up leaving Ymir's party without telling her but she will get over it. Eventually.

"Eren," I said while taking a quick glance at him he side glanced at me with a raised eyebrow "mhm?"

"Where are we going?" I asked because I have never been down this road and if I had I didn't remember it.

"Downtown" he simply said his voice a little groggy from not talking that much. I nodded in response and plugged in my phone and started scrolling through my playlist trying to find a song to listen to that wouldn't annoy me or Eren because right now it felt like we were walking on glass with each other.

"Leave this song," he said, his voice softer than before if that was possible.

This song. This song was our song.

I don't know why I put it on my playlist but I couldn't get myself to delete it after I left.

I turned off my phone and looked towards Eren "Do you remember the song?" He nodded in response a smile playing on his lips "yeah, how could I forget? This was our song"

***sweater weather-the neighbourhood***

the music started while we were speeding down the empty roads Eren had a convertible so I lowered the roof to let the wind hit us.

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