☁️Matsuno Chifuyu x Reader - Talk☁️

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Chifuyu's cat, Peke J, and his dream to become a pilot :)

"So, what do you want to be when you grow up?"
"Oh, uh...A pilot..." Chifuyu mumbled.
"That's so cool! If you become a pilot will you give me free flights around the world?!"
"Yeah..." He looks momentarily shocked, then, "Sure!" Chifuyu grinned broadly.
You smiled back at him.

A small meow caught both your and Chifuyu's attention.
"You know, sometimes I feel like Peke J is talking to me..."
"Huh? You do?"
He blushed, "I mean-"
You held in a laugh. "Chifuyu..." Then burst out laughing.
"Hey! Don't laugh!" He facepalmed.
"I'm sorry, it's just- That's so cute!" You couldn't stop laughing.
"It's not that weird is it..?"
"Hahh~ No, as I said, it's cute. Do you like animals a lot?"
"Yeah, if I don't become a pilot, I wanna have a job that looks after animals."
"Sounds pretty fun."
"Mhmm, I hope Peke J will be with me for a long time too."
"I bet he will, since he's so much like you, sticks to people and never lets go." You smirked.
Chifuyu gave you a look. "If you don't like me so much hurry up and leave." He pouted, crossing his arms.
"I was joking Chifuyu, I'd always hangout with you!"
Chifuyu scratched under Peke J's chin as you two talked to hours.

"I'm glad you're my friend Chifuyu."
"What? Don't say stuff like that, it's embarrassing." He looked away and placed a hand on his mouth.
You took his hand away from his mouth and brought your face to his. His eyes were wide for a moment before becoming relaxed.
"Can I?" You asked quietly.
He didn't answer, instead closing the gap between.

Brain has nothing but big men with abs now very sorry :(

307 words inc extra info

Tokyo Revengers Oneshots <3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon