☁️ Mitsuya Takashi x Female reader - Keys ☁️

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This Oneshot was somewhat inspired by an episode of 'Chiba Revengers' (a side show featuring the Tokyo Revengers characters but in chibi form). There's an episode where someone calls Takashi 'student council pres' (or something along the lines of that. I can't remember the exact episode maybe #10?? Anyway it's cute so watch the episodes.

(There's a bit of cursing in this Oneshot btw)

• Takashi is the student council president (I think? Jokes, he is, here).
• You know of him but have never spoke to him.
• You heard that he was in Toman so you are cautious of him.
• You don't want to make enemies with anyone.
•You have a large friend group.

At school:
Second period —————————————

"Psst. Psssst. PSSSSSSSTTT!"
"What??!" You whispered, looking at your friend.
"We're eating lunch in one of the science classrooms at break."
"What? You know the school prohibits that!"
"It's fine as long as we don't get caught." Your friend whispered, winking at you.
You raised a brow, then looked back to the whiteboard.

Outside class ——————————————

You and your friend walked to one of the science classrooms quietly. Without being detected, you both slipped inside into the bustling room.
"Hey (L/N)! Haku!!"
" 'sup guys!!"
"Hey everyone." You replied cheerily.
You sat down, your back on the wall, facing the door. Haku sat next to you, "You got a boyfriend yet (F/N)?"
Surprised, you jerked your head to your left.
"Or girlfriend, whichever way you swing." He added.
You furrowed your brows, "You keep asking me that Haku, I'm not in a relationship, and I'm not looking for one."
"Ahh, and you keep giving me the same answer."
You glared at each other.
You squinted your eyes, then laughed. Haku laughed with you.
"I hope we don't get caught in here."
"I know, I know, you hate getting into trouble. We won't it's fine. No one checks the science classrooms anyway."
Just as Haku said that, the door slide open.
Your soul momentarily left your body before sinking back in.
"Well, pretend I didn't say anything..." Haku murmured.
Everyone had looked towards the door.
The silence that had enveloped the room a few seconds before had snapped as students laughed.
"Oh, it's just the Student council pres'."
"Damn Mitsuya, you scared us bad hahaha!"
'The Student council president?! Why is everyone so relaxed?? And isn't he in Toman, that crazy big biker gang!?!'
Crazy thoughts whirled around your brain.
'What if he kills us?! What if he drags us to his gang and they beat us up? I haven't even talked to my parents today!!'
"Why do you look like you're gonna sh*t your pants (F/N)?"
"And YOU aren't?!?"
"Why would I? Oh are you talking about pres'? He's chill."
"How do you know? He's in Toman isn't he?" You whispered.
"I've talked to him before, and yeah he's in Toman. But he's a nice dude."
You were skeptical.
"You guys should probably eat to the cafeteria next time, the teachers might catch you in here. You know how a crazy they get when people hang here at lunch and break."
"Will do pres'."
"We hear ya'."
"Hey pres' come hang out with us, we still got time until the end of break." Haku called out.
Mitsuya nodded, closing the door and walking towards you and Haku. "Just this once though."
"Of course!" Haku said smiling.
'Haku's trying to freak me out!! And it's working!'
"I'm glad you remember me pres'."
"Of course I do, I know everyone." He crouched down next to your guys.
"Really. So you know my friend (F/N)?"
"Yes, I know (L/N)-san. We've never spoken though." Mitsuya smiled warmly at you.
'He seems a lot nicer than I thought he'd be. Wait, is Haku trying to set me up with him?!'
"Great! That means you guys can get to know each other! I'm going to the bathroom!" Grinning, Haku skipped out into the hallway.
'Damn him.'
"It's nice to meet you (L/N)-san. I'm Mitsuya Takashi, though I'm sure you know that already."
"Yeah. It's nice to meet you too Mitsuya, my name's (L/N) (F/N)."
He smiled again.
An awkward silence followed.
Your phone vibrated.

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