☁️ Mitsuya Takashi x Reader - Thunder ☁️

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Finally, another Mitsuya Oneshot lmao
(DW I'm also working on Hanemiya Kazutora - Warm part 2)

Artist: ???

• Best friends with Mitsuya.
• Mitsuya forgot his umbrella so you offered to walk him to his home.
• Takes places outside of Mitsuya's apartment.

The lightning cracked loudly as you jumped.
Mitsuya smirked, "Don't tell me you're scared of the thunder?"
"What?! No! I'm not..."
"You're so bad at lying (F/N)." He chuckled,
You pursed your lips.
"Alright, I'm gonna go in, thanks for walking me (F/N)."
"No wait!!" You grabbed his shirt.
"I know this sounds super weird but, can I, uh, stay for a while please??"
Mitsuya looked confused, "I mean sure." Then he grinned.
"What are you grinning for??"
"No reason at all. Come on in." He said opening the door.
"Thanks for having me."

You and Mitsuya hung out while the storm outside raged on, you looked through the window, the sky black as rained poured. The loud bangs made you uneasy.
Mitsuya looked at you, "Do you wanna stay the night??"
"Oh uh, no it's fine..." you chewed on your lip.
"Just stay."
"Oh okay, thanks Takashi."
"Yeah no probs, I'll get the sofa ready."
Mitsuya disappeared to find some cushions and a blanket for you. It was summer so, you wouldn't have needed a thick blanket.
"Are you tired?" Mitsuya said, appearing again.
"A little."
"We can sleep now if you want?"
"Sure..." you felt uneasy.
"I can sleep on the sofa while you sleep on my bed if it's better for you."
"What? No, no! It's okay Takashi, the sofa is fine."
"If you say so..." Mitsuya fluffed up the pillows and lay the blanket on the sofa.

You and Mitsuya got ready to turn in for the night. Your stomach did cartwheels as you thought about spending the night at Mistuya's. It wasn't because you felt uncomfortable or anything, you didn't want to admit it, but the thunder scared you. The loud crashes in the sky and the sudden flash of light terrified you.

When you had both finished getting ready, Mitsuya said his good nights, "If there's any trouble, call on me okay?"
"Yeah, thanks again Takashi, goodnight."
"Goodnight (F/N)."

For a while you heart pounded as you listened to the heavy drops of water splash against the window. A loud crash made you jump, you covered your face with the blanket.
'There's no way I'm sleeping....I need to go to Takashi.'
You slowly padded your way towards your best friend's bedroom. Just outside of his room you heard his voice, "Why are you walking around (F/N)? Is something wrong?"
"How did you hear me?"
"I'm a light sleeper. Stop creeping around like a fox will you?"
"I don't know if I should take that as a compliment...."
Mitsuya say up in his bed waiting for you to speak.
"You came here for a reason, what is it?"
"Look, this might sound stupid okay? But don't laugh at me...."
Mitsuya waited.
"I'm scared of the thunder."
"Seriously, (F/N)?" He laughed.
"What? I told you not to laugh at me!"
"I'm sorry, it's just that, that doesn't surprise me, I've known you for so long, do you think I didn't notice?"
You stood there embarrassed. "I-..." you sighed. "Whatever, can I sleep in your room..just for tonight!! I'm not trying to be weird or anything!"
"I know (F/N), just sleep on the bed, I won't do anything."
You shuffled to Mistuya's bed and crawled in next to him.
"It's fine, lie down."
You lay down, you pulled the blankets pull and wrapped it around your neck.
"You look funny (F/N)." Mitsuya chuckled softly.
"Don't laugh at me." You mumbled annoyed.
"Sorry, sorry." He ran his hand through your hair. "Go to sleep (F/N), I'm here."
You closed your eyes and nestled closer to Mitsuya. He kept running his fingers through your hair, it comforted your greatly and you soon fell asleep.

When you awoke, Mitsuya was still stroking your head. The sky was clear and bright now, with fluffy, white clouds floating across the horizon.
"Did you sleep at all?"
"Yeah I did, I just woke up before you, that's all."
You stared at his light, lavender eyes. In contrast* to his eye colour, his eye-bags told you that he hardly slept.
"....What is it?"
"You're the best Takashi."
"Hah...Stay over whenever there's a storm."
"But you'll lose sleep..."
"I'll lose even more if I know that you're shaking in bed at home."
"Pfft, as if I would...."
"As I've said before (F/N), you're such a bad lier...."

*The scent of lavender is commonly known for inducing better sleep.

A little Oneshot for you guys, 2 in one day wow you lucky things.

Now it's time for my little statement of my last few days. Not like people really care anyway lmao
I got my vaccination, make of that what you will lol, so I'm either gonna die (I really don't think so), or I'm not gonna catch the Rona (well, I'll have a lower chance of getting it anyway).
But yeah my arm aches, and the thought of school is making me nervous.

I hope you enjoyed sweet and wholesome Mitsuya, he's so nice ugh

896 words including extra information

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