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Hyunmi fiddles with her fingers while waiting on a chair in a small, white room. Her nerves are through the roof right now and she looks up at the man beside her for reassurance.

Wooyoung offers her a warm, comforting smile and rubs his thumb over her nervous little hands, also sitting beside her.

A doctor turns around from her desk and looks directly at Wooyoung. "May I ask what your relationship with her is?"

Whenever Wooyoung is asked this question, he can't help but form a proud expression and announce his answer with pride.

"I'm her husband."

Hyunmi goes pink looking at her husband's grin. Even after being married for a little more than a year, he never fails to make her heart flutter the way it did when they first met.

"So, is she okay? Is there a reason for why she's feeling so much pain?" the worried Wooyoung asks the doctor. Hyunmi's grip on Wooyoung's hand tightens as her mind travels to the worst case scenarios.

The doctor starts smiling widely and shakes her head. "Actually, I have some good news for you both! Congratulations Hyunmi, you're actually pregnant!"

Hyunmi's jaw drops open and her eyes widen. Wooyoung gasps beside her too and turns to her with a bright expression. Things start to settle in with her and she can't deny the overwhelming joy bubbling up inside her. She turns to him too and they stare into each other's eyes with pure excitement. Wooyoung pulls Hyunmi in for a hug and gently strokes the back of her head, the sudden burst of love inside him making him feel euphoric.

"How long has it been?" Hyunmi forces out, her mind still spinning with thoughts. "Only about eight weeks right now, but it's about time you start taking extra care of yourself. Call back to me any time you need anything," the doctor tells them. She explains a few more essential bits of advice before the couple leave the room.

"We're going to be parents!" Wooyoung giggles to his wife as they walk to his car. Hyunmi chuckles along with him, starting to imagine a child in their household. She imagines their very own child in Wooyoung's arms and feels a warm sensation in her chest.

Hyunmi and Wooyoung have been trying for a child for a few months now. The two of them had visited Mingi's family and greeted his newborn son only a few months after Hyunmi left her old workplace, and ever since then the idea of having his very own child was implanted into Wooyoung's brain. After getting married not long after that, the two of them thought about this more and more.

Today is a dream come true for them.

"I can teach our child music! What if they don't like music though...I'll teach them some sports instead! But what if they don't like that either...I'll teach them how to cook! But what if-" Wooyoung continues mumbling while driving the car, beyond hyper.

"You'll be an amazing father no matter what," Hyunmi interrupts his ramblings. Her heart tingles with adoration as she watches the father of their unborn child growing so excited. 

Wooyoung's speeding thoughts come to a halt and he can't help but flash his teeth with a toothy grin. "Only because I have such a great future mother and my wife by my side," he exclaims.

The two arrive at their destination soon after and everything in the day feels so perfect as they get out. Hyunmi picks up a gift bag from the back seat and joins Wooyoung's side at the front door.

A child opens the door soon after and both Hyunmi and Wooyoung count down under their breaths.

"Happy Birthday!" they shout together while Hyunmi presents the bag to the young girl in front of them. She shyly accepts the bag before glancing at Hyunmi hurriedly, feeling awkward. But then she turns to Wooyoung and her face lights up as she jumps into his arms.

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