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The next two days continue similar to the last few, with Wooyoung dropping Hyunmi to work while cooking her lunch every day. Then in the evening, Hyunmi has been practicing her cooking by making dinner for the two of them. So far the pair have only spent time in Wooyoung's apartment.

Now Hyunmi sits in her office, working hard as usual. And as usual, she's thinking about this kiss Wooyoung gave her before she left his car. The past week has had her feeling like she's been floating. Every time Wooyoung kisses her, she feels like all her problems and stresses wash away instantly.

He's just a friend though.

That's what she keeps telling herself when she feels the butterflies in her stomach fluttering a little too violently.

Today is Saturday, the day of the company dinner. Hongjoong has decided to give everyone a half day today so that they can attend the dinner in time. They have a reservation in a fancy and expensive restaurant in town, which supplies Hyunmi with excitement.

Her half of the day is nearly up already, the time nearing two in the afternoon. Hyunmi remembers that Wooyoung can't pick her up today as he's still in school, so she starts thinking about bus routes while typing rapidly onto the keyboard of her computer.

"That's all for today, see you later." She lifts her head at the sound of her boss' voice outside her office door. With a smile, she shuts down her computer and extinguishes her candle happily.

She nearly skips out and waves goodbye to Seonghwa, Mingi and Hongjoong with a smile.

Instead of going to the car park, she starts walking to the bus stop and reminisces the times before she got her car. Oh how she hated those times.

With a sigh, she waits for the bus at the shabby bus stop, keeping her distance from everyone else that's waiting too.

She waits for a few minutes before she whips her head up, noticing a car pulling over and pulling their window down.


"Are you going home? I can drop you, get in!" he calls out while leaning out of his window. Hyunmi feels tempted to decline but then she thinks about entering the bus again and her legs start to move by themselves.

"Thank you so much," she smiles as she gets into the seat beside Hongjoong.

They drive home with small talk to accompany them until they reach Hyunmi's apartment.

"Why don't we go to the restaurant together tonight? I can drive you there and back home so you don't have to worry about drinking," he offers while he parks his car.

Hyunmi recalls her previous experience with alcohol and waves her hands around frantically while shaking her head. "It's fine! I won't drink," she defends. Hongjoong still seems unconvinced. "Come on, I told you not to worry about it! Let loose every once in a while, it's good for you," he warmly advises.

Hyunmi bites her lip. If she has some constraint this time then maybe things won't be as bad...

"Fine. I can't thank you enough for all this," she laughs sheepishly.

"Not at all," Hongjoong beams back, feeling a vibrant feeling in his chest at the thought of seeing the girl beside him all dressed up later tonight. He hopes she'll really enjoy herself.

She gets out after they organise what time Hongjoong will come to her apartment and enters her home eagerly.

She checks her wardrobe, sighing from the minimal selection. In between all her formal clothes are a small array of party clothes, one outfit already having been worn by her on her birthday.

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