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Hyunmi runs into Wooyoung's arms at the entrance of her office building and he holds her just as excitedly with his secure arms.

"Missed me?" he jokingly asks, the answer already being clear. "Of course I did," she responds with a pout. "I missed you way more." Hyunmi doesn't even get time to respond before Wooyoung grabs the sides of her head and starts peppering light pecks all over her face.

"Okay, okay, I believe you!" she blurts while pulling away, growing conscious of the fact that they're still in public. Wooyoung notices her glancing around and understands. "Should we bring this to the bedroom instead then?" he smirks while moving her hand into his.

She gives him a light shove and continues to walk to his car. "I'm hungry, where will we have lunch?" 

Wooyoung scoffs when he realises that his suggestion was completely ignored and he hurries to his car with her. Just as the girl is about to open the door of the car, Wooyoung slides in front and opens it for her. "I can't let my girlfriend get her beautiful hands dirty," he smiles, excitement in his eyes to utter those words.

Hyunmi can't help but giggle at how much fun he's having with this and places a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you," she mumbles sheepishly before getting in.

Wooyoung drives them both away from the building, but not too far so they don't waste too much time travelling. He parks in front of a fancy restaurant and stretches his arms.

"Isn't your lunch break too short for a restaurant like this?" she worries. "I don't have a class after lunch so I have more time to spare," he beams. They get out and enter the warm interior. Despite it being midday, it's quite dark inside with a few dim and colourful lights hanging over each booth to eat at. Since it's a Monday, it's empty and there's only one other couple here.

They choose a random booth and look through the menu. Hyunmi is so engrossed in the happiness that she feels, she doesn't even notice Wooyoung's restlessness. He shifts nervously in his seat and keeps glancing up from his menu to look at the girl's expressions, his worry easing a bit when he does. 

They order eventually and he plasters a smile on his face as his mind whirrs silently. A short conversation later, the food arrives.

Wooyoung eats nervously and decides that it's time. He hopes it isn't too soon to say this...

"Would you like to move in together?"

Hyunmi freezes as she's eating and she whips her head up to Wooyoung. His face seems serious, so he's definitely not joking about this. Living with Wooyoung...as she tries to imagine it she realises something. Hasn't she basically been living with him this whole time anyway? His offer makes perfect logical sense. Plus, they could both split the bills and rent and save a lot of money.

It feels off that she didn't even have to think too hard about it before coming to a decision.

"Yes, I think that would be a great idea!" she exclaims. Relief washes over Wooyoung's face and he can't stop smiling now. "Really? Do you want to move into my apartment then?" he asks. She blushes when she thinks about the fact that he only has one bedroom, but then blushes even more when she remembers that there have been enough times that they've shared a bed.

"T-That sounds good," she stutters, her imagination now going on a rampage. Excited laughter leaves Wooyoung and Hyunmi also feels like she's on cloud nine. Everything feels perfect now.

"What about work then? Will you continue to work for Hongjoong?" Wooyoung wonders. Hyunmi shakes her head. "Once I have enough money, I won't work there. I can afford to work for a job with less pay after Somi's treatment is over so I was thinking of looking for any job nearby."

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