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Hyunmi feels tempted to ignore Hongjoong's calls, knowing exactly why he called. She sighs while calling him back, her job in mind.

To her surprise, he picks up the call after the first ring. "Hi Hyunmi! How are you?" he asks cheerfully. She smiles at his tone. "Hello Mr. Kim! I'm not too bad, what about you?" she responds, hoping for the call to end quickly.

"I'm good, thanks for asking! I just called to check if you were doing anything today? You usually decline on Sundays since you tutor but you're off this week, am I right?" he suggests. Here it is, the question she hears way too often.

The girl works her mind for an excuse. It's not that she dislikes her boss, but it just feels odd to spend time with him outside of work. What if he judges her and she loses her job? What if he becomes cold to her after becoming disappointed in how boring she really is?

She finally concludes that it won't be much harm to finally spend time with him after coming up with excuses for years.

"I'm not doing anything today, why?"

Hyunmi could've sworn she heard a sigh of relief on the other side of the line. "Would you like to come on a walk with me? I'm just passing by your neighbourhood right now," he offers. Hyunmi thinks for a second. She barely gets exercise anyway, maybe a walk would help.

"Sure, I'll be down in a few minutes," she tells him while dashing to her dresser. "I'll wait in front of your apartment building," he says one last time before cutting the call.

Hyunmi can't deny the thrill she feels right now. It's her first time going out to spend time with someone in so long. Could she say Hongjoong is her friend now then? She smiles to herself in the mirror while brushing her hair.

She has a friend!

She skips out her door and nearly jumps as she's about to bump into someone.

Wooyoung stands in front of her, clearly about to knock on her door. "Oh! Are you going somewhere?" he asks, slightly perplexed. Hyunmi shyly avoids his eyes, the events from earlier still on her mind.

"I'm meeting a friend," she quietly mumbles, stepping around him with her head still ducked. Wooyoung nods. "Have fun!" he calls after her as she speeds away.

She feels so flustered after seeing his face, she simply speeds down the hallway as fast as her feet can take her. She doesn't even notice Wooyoung creeping after her from behind.

He sneaks forward as she nearly runs out the front door. Who could she be meeting? He doesn't even know why he feels so curious, but an invisible force drives him forward.

He pokes his head around the corner at the front door to catch a glimpse of her friend. A gasp nearly leaves him as he watches the girl walk up to a man who looks delighted to see her.

The two of them exchange a few words, but Wooyoung can't hear them. He can only see Hyunmi's back but the other man's face is on full display. Both his lips and eyes smile widely and he occasionally breaks into laughter. Wooyoung doesn't know what's causing him to feel the twist in his chest, or what's making his fists clench. Maybe it's lust? He wasn't lying when he said that Hyunmi was the best kiss he's ever had.

As the pair walk away side by side, Wooyoung sighs to himself. Maybe he really desires Hyunmi more than he thought.

But he recognised that look in the man's eyes. He'd recognise that look any day, having seen it on many women he's been with.

Wooyoung realises that he has competition.

Hyunmi walks away from her apartment building with her boss beside her. "It's been so long since I've seen you out of the office! I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable," Hongjoong acknowledges.

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