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Hyunmi wakes up slowly, mind taking its time to adjust to its surroundings. She shuffles out of bed and stumbles into her bathroom to get ready for work when the events of the night before suddenly hit her and her face feels like it erupts into flames.

She jumps to the mirror and pulls the collar of her top down a bit. She flinches at the sight of the large hickeys at the base of her neck and scattered over her chest. She can't quieten her speeding heart at the memory of Wooyoung.

His fingers...

She feels like screaming at the thought. It's not that she didn't enjoy it, she just feels that she enjoyed it a little too much. She had no idea she was capable of feeling this way and now is quite embarrassed.

She brushes these thoughts away to prevent her from getting even redder and continues her morning routine.

She slips out of her apartment with a turtle neck on instead of her standard shirt. Hyunmi enters the car park hesitantly. Just as usual, Wooyoung is sitting in his car, dancing by himself to the music playing in the car.

Hyunmi joins him in the passanger seat. As Wooyoung is about to hand her the lunch container, he stops when he notices her change in attire.

"I'm sorry for doing that, you can mark me next time as revenge," Wooyoung casually says. "Anywhere you want on my body," he adds with a smirk. Hyunmi's cheeks grow pink again even though she tried her best to avoid it.

"I-It's alright," she sheepishly answers, taking the container from him in a hurry. Wooyoung giggles by himself at her reaction. It's clear she isn't used to the things he did last night, while Wooyoung is very experienced.

But why is his heart fluttering so aggressively then?

He's never felt this way after even spending the whole night with girls. So what about Hyunmi is it that makes him feel different? Deep down, he knows the exact reason. But for some reason he's still trying to deny it within himself.

Yes, I probably do like her, he admits to himself. But am I ready for this?

He carries on with his confident appearance for the whole car ride, fooling the girl perfectly. She wonders how he's so calm and casual while she's flustered, which proves Wooyoung's acting to be effective.

They arrive at Hyunmi's office and as always, they depart with one brief kiss. She can't make the small smile leave her lips as she walks in, going up to the office.

As soon as she opens the door, the smile leaves. The room feels somewhat gloomy. She notices Seonghwa sitting at his desk, phone in hand since work hasn't begun yet.

"Good morning!" she calls to him. Unlike every other day, Seonghwa remains seated and lifts his eyes only. "Morning Hyunmi," he mumbles, returning to his phone. Her eyebrows turn down in hurt. What did she do to him? Could she have said something hurtful when she was drunk?

Before she gets the chance to ask, Hongjoong approaches her from the side. "Good morning Hyunmi!" he exclaims, though Hyunmi can also notice that his tone is not the same as it usually is. She greets him back regardless, feeling unsettled by the atmosphere.

"Did Wooyoung get you back home safely after the dinner?" he asks. Hyunmi's eyes widen in shock. "How do you know Wooyoung?" she questions. Hongjoong's eyebrows furrow as soon as the words leave her mouth. Even Seonghwa lifts his head and shares a puzzled glance with Hongjoong.

"You don't remember? You told us to call him to collect you after the dinner and then he brought you home," Hongjoong explains. Hyunmi bites her lip nervously. Oh no...what else has she done?

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