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"Ophelia-" Claire laughed on the FaceTime call, he could see the duo watching TV. But his little girl has taken more interest in her mother's earrings and was currently trying to yank them off.

"Ophelia! Don't hurt mum!" He laughed looking at the whole antic on his screen. She looked at the screen for a few seconds before deciding to pounce on it. She looked at him in confusion and continued her exploration.

"That's dad! Can you say Dad?" Claire picked her up, taking the phone away from her. "She's just been very cheeky lately, grabs things, blows raspberries and laughs."

"I observed the raspberries but from our last call, she did that for a good five minutes."

"Yeah, did I send you the videos of her crawling around the house?"

"You did!" He smiled, "and it honestly made my day, I can't wait to see you- her." He stopped himself. "I can't wait to see the two of you again!"

"Where are you off to for the next one?"

"Baku, Azerbaijan. If it's not too nosy of me, how have you been?" He asked hopefully.

"I've been fine, I'm happy that we're able to coparent Ophelia. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing good, I'm glad we were able to reconnect." He looked at the clock, "It must be getting late for you..."

"It's not that late, besides Squirt has a habit of fighting sleep." She sighed.

"How many nicknames have you got for her?" He laughed.

"At this point I call her anything but Ophelia! I think we spent too much time looking for a beautiful name when we- I just call her Squirt, kiddo, little worm."

"Little Worm will always hold a special place in my heart." He glanced at his watch, "I've got to go for now, see you again Little worm and Claire, bye bye!" He ended the call.

Claire could sense how much healthier their attachment had grown since Manama, even if it wasn't necessarily romantic it felt nice to know what he was up and how he was doing.

She loved seeing the way Ophelia reacted to hearing or seeing him on calls, she would beam because of the familiarity and giggle to no end because he loved making his little girl laugh. She knew that every call was for Ophelia, but also a guise for him to see how she was doing.

Ophelia was finally getting sleepy, she put her in her cradle and wished her parents a good night. It had been a decent day, taking care of Ophelia was demanding but it was fulfilling.


For the first time in a while, Lando didn't wake up in a horrible mood. He had a smile on his face, a genuine one. He was happy again after a really long time.

The people around him definitely noticed, he was getting along well and starting to get back into his element. He was even doing better at his job now, on as well as off the track. He was patient, kind and approachable. Glimpses of the real Lando were coming back.

"You can't tell me that she doesn't have a hold on you." Jon said.

"Who has a hold on me?" Lando asked, panting from the exhaustion of training.

"Who other than Claire!" Jon laughed.

"She's... she doesn't have a hold on me!" Lando frowned.

"You hesitated buddy, I think we all know."

"We're going to work on our issues and hopefully I can gain her trust again."

"And don't go around kissing your mates anymore-"

"Oh my gosh Jon! It was a mistake." Lando rolled his eyes. "That reminds me Charles probably still needs an explanation and some closure."

Lando spent the rest of his day fulfilling his duties, occasionally checking in on Claire- but not too much because he didn't want to destroy the fragile bridge of trust they'd built.

He was comforted when Claire had been vulnerable enough to tell him that she had found a therapist and was going to attend her first session. The reason for seeing one was pretty obvious but he was glad that she trusted him enough to open up about her mental health.

Thousands of miles away, Claire felt relived to finally be able to tell him that she wasn't okay. She needed help and guidance, and was on her way to get some.

Claire felt nervous, it felt strange that she was going to unload so much of her burden on a complete stranger. But at the same time she find it rather reassuring that it was a complete stranger, they weren't going to know all of her life to make any sort of ruthless judgement.

She walked into the office and was greeted by a receptionist who asked her to take a seat, the therapist was almost done with her client and get to her soon.

The door opened, the person walked out and the receptionist asked her to go in. Claire felt hesitant, but the warm atmosphere of the place comforted her.

"Hi Claire, I'm Akira." She smiled. Akira, was literally warmth personified. She had a big inviting smile, sharp dark eyes and long black hair.

"Hey." Claire awkwardly smiled.

"Matthew there, the receptionist he had a look at your paperwork and it's all fine." Akira continued, "that's the least of my concerns, I want to know what brings you to therapy?"

Claire took a deep breath and started, "honestly, I don't even know where I'm supposed to start. Maybe I should start from the bad parts but then that's trauma dumping on you right?"

"No, that's opening up to me. But let's go at a pace that's comfortable to you. What made you feel you should come see me?"

"I'm a mess, a big utter mess. Even if things feel like they're smoothening themselves out, I don't feel like the best version of myself."

"Tell me a little more about that." Akira said resting her elbows on the table. "And feel free to lie down on the couch if you want."

"Oh no that's not necessary." She laughed, "I have a little baby, and I feel like because of all my sadness and problems I may end up ruining her life and her relationship with her dad."

"What's her dad like?"

"He's.... The cause of all my problems yet I don't seem to be able to stop loving him."

"Oh boy we've got some intense sessions cut ahead of us, but hey! Breakthroughs only come when you put in the work!"

In a matter of minutes, Akira has gotten Claire so comfortable, no question she asked seem to be too intrusive. She was an effective listener and that's what Claire needed, within thirty minutes of knowing her Claire had given Akira her whole life story, recalling memories even she didn't seem to remember her brain had.

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