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It had been a good Monday for Claire, despite heavier workloads the lectures were fine and the visit to the doctor had been great. Except for the part Doctor Patel asked her to go easy on herself, she could tell that Claire was in a great deal of worry.

She announced that Claire was going to have a healthy baby girl, she even got to hear her heartbeat. Doctor Patel even told her that the baby was going to move around a lot now, that excited Claire, Little Worm was going to be active and make her presence known.

It had been a long day, she finally sat down to eat her dinner. Her phone started ringing, it was Lando. She had been avoiding him since saturday, but now that he had called up. She was going to have to talk to him.

"Hey you, how are you doing? You haven't been answering my texts." He got straight to the point.

"Sorry, I've just been very busy. University workload, the baby, it's all really stressful."

"Ah, it's alright just take care of yourself!"

"Thanks, I will."

"So, I have a two week break. I was thinking of heading down to you..."

"You really shouldn't!" She interjected.

"Oh! Can I ask why? I really want to see you, we don't have to go out-"

"I'm actually studying for my finals, this one class I took up is really hard and I can't afford to slack off."

"Oh, what class is it? Maybe I can figure out a way to help you."

Truth to be told, she wasn't having a hard time at any of her classes. In fact she was thriving, she looked around her room to come up with a convincing lie. Her eyes fell on a ABBA poster that decorated the wall.

"AB- Music appreciation! I took up music appreciation I have to study really hard for that one."

"Music appreciation?" He asked in confusion.

"Yeah and before I forget, we're having a baby girl!" She announced hoping to end the call.

That didn't happen, he called her up again. She had been behaving so strange, he needed to get to the bottom of it. He thought about what could he have possibly done that upset her so much.

"Claire, what's going on?"

"I told you already! I am stressed! It doesn't help that you-" she stopped herself.

"That I what? Go on tell me." He comforted her, hoping she'll tell him what's really on her mind.

"You're away all the time, but that's okay. You don't have to visit me and congrats on your good weekend." She ended the call.

He went back to training with Jon, who had every intention of making him sweat blood and tears. After a very gruelling work out, through most of which Lando was foggy, dazed and distracted Jon gave him a break.

"What's on your mind Lando? You've been so distracted." Jon asked helping Lando into a cool down stretch.

"I don't know Jon, it's Claire." He sighed sinking deeper into the stretch.

"What's the matter? Didn't you go out have a lovely time and all that?"

"That was months ago on her birthday, after the season started I got busy but I made time for her."

"That's sweet!" He smiled.

"But since Saturday she's been acting really strange, I haven't seen her in a while. I want to go see her and I want to talk to my little girl." Lando, was having a moment, he wanted to let it all out.

"You're having a baby girl!?"

"Yes, we're having a girl." He smiled.

The reality sunk into him, he was going to be a father. He was going to be a dad to a little girl, he couldn't help but imagine and wonder what she'll look like.

But first he wanted to see Claire, he wanted spend some time with her. Give her a hug and maybe sneak in a kiss, he wanted to see her belly. How big could had the baby gotten? His eyes widened in a realisation.

"Jon I think I know why she's angry." He looked at him.

"What have you come up with?"

"I asked her if she was big and pregnant-"

Jon looked at him and cringed, "Lando, my boy the last thing you want to do is call a pregnant woman big. Especially when it's someone in a state as fragile as Claire."

"I meant it as a compliment! I'm going to apologise. I need to see her." He repeated again like broken tape recorder.

He texted her again at the end of his day, she saw the message and insisted that he spends time at the factory perfecting things before heading to Spain for the next race.

She kept mentioning how stressed she was for her finals, and how she couldn't afford to slack off anymore.

He felt a little hurt at first, he almost felt as if he was being denied of seeing her. Which, he honestly was. But then he shook away all those thoughts, she was still a student and education should be her priority. Much like racing was his.

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