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After spending two days in the hospital, making sure Claire and Ophelia were healthy and ready to get back home, it was time.

They were heading back to Woking, only for him to pack again and get back onto a flight to Italy. It was a warm day, the nurse helped carry their things and get Claire settled into the car and the pair was off.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Tired, sleepy but above all really happy." She smiled placing her hand on his.

"I want you to know that I love you a lot and I'm still very mad at myself for missing such a big day in our lives." He sighed.

Claire felt a tinge of pain, she did feel intimidated and scared when she was taken into that operation theatre all by herself. She wanted to have him by her side, but she was prepared that it wasn't going to always happen.

"It's alright! You showed up as soon as you could and that means the world to me. Holding her made your eyes well up and smile big, that's all that matters."

"No Claire, I want to be much more than just a dad that shows up and gets rewarded for doing the bare minimum! I want to be a very good Dad." She felt his hand tense up.

"You will be, you're going to be a great dad. You can start by not giving her Lesley as a middle name."

Lando let out a laugh, it was music to Claire's ears. But that wasn't the case for Ophelia who started wailing.

"I don't know why, but every time she cries, it makes me want to cry." Claire laughed wiping her tears.

They spent the rest of the drive hushing and gently singing hoping to ease her back to sleep, which worked for a short while.

The first night at home, from all the reading Claire had been doing she felt like it was going to be a task to tackle.

She had set down Ophelia in her crib the minute they arrived, both of them were tired sleepy and cranky. Claire headed straight for the bed and asked Lando to wake her up in a bit.

Realising she was exhausted, he decided to not wake her up and do some of the chores. Cook dinner, fold the laundry, tidy up the place- he wasn't a fan but Claire liked clean surroundings.

"Claire, wake up! You need food."

"Yes, I very much do." She stretched.

This felt like a good time for both of them to sit down, talk for a while. The peace was short lived, Ophelia demanded attention again.

"She's not hungry, I've changed her nappy and I even played with her! She hates me!" Claire cried.

"No no no! No one hates anyone here, certainly not our baby." Lando consoled her, showering her with kisses. "Give her to me, we're taking a walk around the house."

Claire took the time to compose herself, she could hear the animated conversation going on. Which was more of Lando just waking through rooms and explaining their use.

"There, she's fast asleep!" He whispered placing her back into her crib.

"We should go to sleep too, you've got a flight to catch... and I just need an excuse to lay down." She yawned.

Claire knew that the first night home was going to be difficult, but she didn't think it was going to be this hard. Ophelia woke up almost every two hours, hungry and crying.

"I'm so tired, I feel like I'm going to fall asleep walking to her room." Claire chuckled cradling her.

"If she's not hungry anymore, I'll hold her. You get some sleep." He smiled reaching for the tiny baby.

They definitely didn't get enough sleep that night, there were times when Lando would go to check on what Claire was up to, and she would be fast asleep in the chair by the cradle.

The sun was up and it was time for him to head out, Claire and Ophelia were at the driveway, ready to send him off.

"Have a good weekend and get sleep!" She kissed him.

"I will, and you take care of yourself." He kissed her forehead, "and you be kind to mum!" He kissed Ophelia's tiny hand.

The morning went by relatively relaxed, she didn't create much of a fuss and Claire could just sit down and relax. But that too, was short lived.

She felt helpless and all over the place, she didn't want to bother Cisca but doubted any of her friends knew how to calm a baby.

"Hello? Sweetie? Are you doing alright?" The voice on the other end of the call asked with concern.

"Oh mom, I miss you so so so much." Claire admitted, "I'm still upset about the way you behaved but I really need your help-"

"Is that a baby crying? Is that your baby?" Her mother asked picking up on the noises surrounding Claire.

"Yeah, I've been meaning to tell you but didn't know how to."

"Can I see her?"

"That's if you tell me how to get her to stop crying." Claire sighed.

"Of course honey, you used to cry so much it would break my heart!"

"You felt that too!? Every time she cries it makes me want to sob too."

"She? What have you named her? How old is she? What does she look like?"

"We named her Ophelia, she's four days old and she is adorable to me." Claire beamed with pride.

"Okay, have you fed her?"

"Yes, I've burped her too, I even made sure her clothes are clean."

"Then I'm afraid what we have here is a diva!" She laughed.


"You were a lot like this! For the first three months of your life, all you ever wanted was to be held by me or dad. If we put you down, you would cry so much!"

"Oh, that must have been annoying." Claire laughed.

"Not really, you're my baby, I can't really be mad at my little girl for wanting love that is rightfully hers." She spoke with warmth.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you any of this sooner, I was so scared of everything that was going on I didn't have the courage to tell you and dad." Claire confessed.

"I'm sorry that I made you feel like it was all wrong, you're young and you'll figure it out." She assured her, "I shouldn't have been so harsh, I'm not proud of the things I've done when I was young and I felt like you were going down that route."

"I don't know what you did as a young woman but I'd love to hear about it!" Claire laughed.

"That's for another day, how is Ophelia doing now?"

"Now that I'm holding her, she's fine! Thank you mom, I don't know what I would have done without you."

"Don't worry about it and don't ever hesitate ringing up, doesn't matter what hour of the day it is, I'll always be here for my little girl."

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