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"What if they hate me?" She asked him as they walked out of the hotel.

"They aren't going to hate you, we're just going to go meet them." He kissed her forehead hoping to calm her down.

Lando was occupied by calls and other work pretty much the whole journey to his house, that gave Claire way too much time to be left alone with her thoughts.

She drifted off to sleep, all this travelling around was getting tiring. He woke her up, in a completely different scenery.

"We're here, welcome to Glastonbury!" He smiled at her.

They were parked in what seemed like a driveway of a ginormous estate, he explained to her that this was his childhood home.

He dragged their bags to the door, an older couple stood at the door looking rather nervous, she guessed they were his parents.

They smiled at Lando and her and welcomed them in, Lando introduced his parents to her and she introduced herself to them.

They were kind and made sure she was comfortable, a while later Lando's sisters joined them too. They took Claire to the gardens for a walk and to get to know her better.

Finally, they had Lando all to themselves.

"Sit." His mother commanded.

"How have you been-"

"Don't you dare speak unless we ask you to." His father sat opposite to him.

"Who is she and where did you find her?"

"She's Claire, she's my girlfriend. We met in Dubai last year." He answered.

"You definitely did more than just meet, start from the beginning." His mother ordered.

He told them a much dulled down version of what actually happened back in Dubai, how they met again and what was happening now.

"Did it not occur to you once? That maybe you should tell your parents you've got someone pregnant?" His father asked.

"I was still wrapping my head around it alright? I messed up! But I love her and I'm going to take good care of her and our baby."

"Lando you're both 21, a child is a lot of responsibility!"

"Why does everyone keep talking down to us? I know what we're doing!"

"We're just worried you're going to ruin her life as well as yours, you've just started honing your talent."

"It's not going to ruin anyone's life, I'm going to make sure that doesn't happen."

"Oh really? What's your great plan then? How do you plan on raising the child?"

"I'll move bases to London, we'll buy a house there, she's going to start her last year of university and then she'll start working, we'll raise our baby-"

"You are not moving to London. Do you know how much time you're going to be wasting driving up and down?"

"I'm not leaving her alone, she's never going to raise our girl alone that's a promise I've made to her."

"It's a girl?" She asked.

He was infuriated by the way they were behaving, he understood their concerns but he didn't expect them to react like that. He walked out of the house to go join his sisters and Claire, who seem to have gotten along well.

"What lies have they fed you about me?"

"We don't care about you." Flo rolled her eyes at him.

"Claire, let's go." He signalled to her, "Cisca, Flo, tell mum and dad I don't want to talk to them until my baby is born."  He snapped before angrily walking away.

Claire walked behind him and held his arm, trying to slow him down and ask what happened. His eyebrows were furrowed and he was clearly in no mood to talk.

He marched out of the house dragging both their luggage while Claire just walked behind him in confusion.

They got into the car and started their drive, he didn't utter a word. Just frowned at the road ahead, she tried to ask him what's wrong but he just brushed her off.

"I'm too tired to drive you home, stay the night." He broke the silence.


They walked into his house, he was still pretty angry. He walked straight into his gaming room and slammed the door shut.

She didn't know what she was supposed to do, he just left her to her own means. Claire sat on the couch, awkwardly not knowing what to do.

Claire was tired, she wanted to go to sleep but where was she supposed to sleep? The last thing Lando would probably want to discuss was who's sleeping where.

She knocked on the door and said that she was going to lay down on the couch for a bit. She heard nothing from the other side.

"Claire...let's go to sleep." He woke her up.

She blinked her eyes trying to figure out what was happening, when she tried to raise herself on her elbows she let out out a little yelp.

"What's wrong!" He helped her up.

"My back hurts!"

"I'll give you a massage, before you fall asleep." He rubbed her back.

"I don't understand you." She sighed walking towards his room.

"What's not to understand?" He asked plopping himself on the bed.

"You're hot one minute and then you get so cold, like right now, God knows how many hours you spent in front of that screen-"

"I'm sorry," he gave her a forehead kiss, "now let's get you to sleep. Good night." He smiled pulling the blanket over her.

"Aren't you coming to sleep?"

"I'm far too angry to sleep." He walked out of the room.

"But you just said let's sleep-"

"You need sleep."

The next morning, Claire woke up to an empty bed. She didn't even know if he did actually ever come to sleep. Naturally, the first thing she did was go check his gaming room, he wasn't there.

She walked to the kitchen, hoping to see him there but he wasn't. Instead a plate of food with a note next to it awaited her.

Good morning my queen,
I suck at this I'm sorry if I made you cringe. Apart from that I'm sorry for the way I behaved yesterday, it wasn't okay. I'm still a little frustrated about the whole situation but acting cold towards you wasn't okay, as a peace offering I've cooked you up a good breakfast and cut some fruits for you, I'll be home soon!
Your Lover Boy :)

The note made her smile, maybe going back to London could wait. She was on her summer break after all! Claire ate her breakfast, talked to her friends for a while but then got bored.

She didn't have anything to do around here, she got so bored she even ended up doing the laundry and reading some of her coursework.

After what felt like an eternity, Lando was finally home. Yet again looking like he was in no mood to talk, she didn't push him either. They ate in silence, washed the plates in silence and after that he disappeared into his gaming room again.

"I'm going to sleep," she informed him, "I just wish that the Lando that asked me to be his girlfriend would come back, I feel like I would quite like it here with him." She added before walking back to the bedroom.

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