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Lando was done with training on the simulator for the day, he looked at his watch

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Lando was done with training on the simulator for the day, he looked at his watch. It was 4, just the time to head to the cafeteria for a snack he thought.

He took his snack from the fridge, as instructed by Jon and decided to look for a place to sit. He saw a girl with her head flat on the table, in a sobbing frenzy.

Probably an intern, Lando shrugged it off. But she was on the best table, his favourite table in fact. He felt bad for her, because at one point he too was an anxious newcomer. He hesitantly approached her and asked her if she was alright.

"I hate change." She cried in a muffled voice, she continued crying without lifting her head of the table.

Lando didn't know what to say but tried his best to sympathise, "Tell me about it, I can't imagine working anywhere else. It's hard isn't it?"

"It's not just- my body, my life everything is going to change. And and-" she burst into tears again.

"Take a deep breath what's happening?" He asked taking a step closer.

"I'm pregnant with this driver's baby and I can't even tell him. I haven't even gotten to speak to him." She confessed mid sobs.

He felt horrible about the state of this girl, but at the same time he wanted to be the first one with "information". "I know a lot of drivers, which one is it?" He asked.

"The McLaren guy with the curly hair." She cried hurrying her face in her hands.

Lando shook his head, he knew that Daniel fooled around a lot but this! This was eye opening. He couldn't wait to tell everyone. But he needed to hear her say it, just to confirm his hunch.

"Which one? They both have curly hair don't they?"

"The- the younger one, pretty eyes-"

WHAT- He took a step back. He couldn't believe what he had just heard, who was she? And what the heck was she saying?

"Are you 100% sure? Like a hundred and million percent positive-"

"WHY DOESN'T ANYONE BELIEVE ME!?" She finally looked up at him.

She froze and so did he, neither of them knew what to say next. He just stood there, frozen while she continued trying to fight back tears. This was all a mess.

The whole cafeteria had gone silent, there weren't a lot of people to start off with. They could hear footsteps approaching rapidly, it was Charlotte.

"I see the two of you have met already." She smiled trying to ease the tension.

"How long have you been hiding this from me? Who knew about this!?" He asked with his brows furrowed.

"Everyone but you knew." Charlotte pursed her lips, anticipating how he was going to react.

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