xv. A Talk About Tragedy II

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━━ chapter fifteena talk about tragedy, ii( savreen )

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━━ chapter fifteen
a talk about tragedy, ii
( savreen )


      ━━Speeding after storm spirits was not a good time for Savreen to be in her thoughts. But she couldn't help it, so ... sorry?

     As Jason shouted for Leo to speed up and he replied with a sharp, "Bro! If I get any closer, he'll spot us. Bronze dragon ain't exactly a stealth plane!" With a few angry curses in Spanish. But Savreen couldn't help but stare. She wondered whether he noticed, considering she sat right behind him━but he was perhaps far too busy trying not to crash them into a building chasing after the storm spirits. Sav's mind was speeding herself; not exploring much except that Leo could use fire━her Leo. She didn't know whether to be shocked, worried, or angry. A lot of things made sense now, of course; like all the times he could magically make her tacos on the rooftops back at the Wilderness School. But she also found it horribly ironic when she considered what happed to his mother.

    But that wasn't the only thing that bothered her. It wasn't him, or his powers, or how he never told her━that didn't bother her, at all. She wasn't scared of him, she wasn't as shocked or horrified as she thought she'd be. Instead, she remembered what that face in the earth told her about Leo's father and her necklace, and this new knowledge about the person she swore she knew the best made her feel unbalanced.

    "Slow down!" Piper yelled and Savreen was brought back just in time to see Festus clip the edge of a building, slicing off a stone gargoule before Leo pulled up.

     "Go above the building," Jason suggested. "Well track him from there."

    "You want to drive this thing?" grumbled Leo, but he did was Jason asked.

     After a few minutes, Jason spotted the storm spirit again, zipping through the streets with no apparent purpose━blowing over pedestrians, ruffling flags, making cars swerve.

     "Oh, great," muttered Piper. "There're two."

     She was right. A second spirit blasted around the corner of the Renaissance Hotel and linked up with the first. Savreen sighed, agreeing with Piper. It's as if one isn't chaotic enough. 

     "Those guys do not need any more caffeine," muttered Leo, shaking his head with a scoff. 

     "I guess Chicago's a good place to hang out," murmured Savreen thoughtfully. "Nobody's going to question a couple more harsh winds..."

     "More than a couple," said Jason. "Look."

     The dragon circled over a wide avenue next to a lakeside park. Storm spirits were converging━at least a dozen of them, whirling around a big public art installation.

𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐊 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐃𝐘!      leo valdezWhere stories live. Discover now