vii. Jason Goes Overkill...

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━━ chapter sevenjason goes overkill

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━━ chapter seven
jason goes overkill...
( piper )


    ━━Piper's life had taken a drastic turn in the past few hours. When everything was fine, she had finally gotten Jason to kiss her, and she was holding hands with him on a trip to the Grand Canyon, suddenly he didn't remember her. Not just that, but all of the memories she had of him were fake, her father's whereabouts were seriously getting on her nerves (she was starting to think her dream was actually real) and on top of all of that, she's now a demigod who passed out because some goddess decided to give her a visit (Hera?) and ask to be freed from her prison. 

     She doesn't know how she hasn't just fallen down and wept. She cried in front of Annabeth (which was embarrassing), but Piper really just wanted to hide away where no one can see her and scream. She didn't want to make it seem like the universe has made everything unfair for her, but there was a part of her that selfishly whispered: no one knows what I'm going through. She hated that part, but some of it was true. Because no one did know how much this dream was tormenting her, or how much her father's whereabouts was sending her crazy. And the worst part about it was that she couldn't tell them. And how could she? If it was true, how could she explain to her dearest friends that she had to lead them to their deaths? Their gruseome, horrible deaths. And it all started with the storm spirits on the bridge. It was playing out before Piper like one of her father's movies. Except her father didn't save everyone in the end, and she most definitely couldn't. It would be the worst ending ever, and it would be on her conscience. 

    And now, staring at the campfire in front of her, all she could see was the huge purple bonfire in the dreams and her father tied to a stake. 

    She shivered, even though it wasn't cold.

    Her father.

    Piper had always had a tough relationship with her father. He was a movie star━a busy one. And she was the girl craving for the attention he couldn't give her. And so she stole, and got in trouble, and screamed for attention that ended up in fights and conversations of, Piper, I'm disappointed. And now, her father was in terrible danger; dying (or maybe already even dead).

    Don't cry, Piper, she growled to herself amongst the singing Apollo kids. Focus on something else.

    On what? Her mind wept back. 

    Automatically, her gaze searched the amphitheatre for her friends. She spotted Savreen amongst a bunch of crazy-grinning, mischevious looking campers, and Piper wondered whether she could ask to get her away from there. Sav must hate being around those type of people. And in the firelight, Piper could see her awkwardly sitting, clutching onto the pockets of her denim jacket as if scared they'll steal something from her. Leo was sitting with a bunch of burly-looking campers under a steel grey banner emblazoned with a hammer. He was searching the crowd, too, probably for Savreen. Piper wanted them to get together. She had an entire plan with Jason ... her gaze found the blonde boy sitting in between Annabeth and Claire. 

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