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Claire's pov

I was chilling in my room after breakfast, debating whether or not I should go back to bed since my Italian tutor had to cancel our lesson today because he's sick. Before I had a chance to decide, my cell rang.

"Guess what?" Samantha asked, as soon as I answered her call.

"What?" I asked, playing along.

"I've got some awesome news."

"Ok. Are you gonna share it with me? Or is this as far as it goes?"

Samantha laughed, "Very funny, smartass, and no, you have to guess before I tell you."

"What am I supposed to be guessing at? I need you to narrow it down for me from every possible topic known to man," I sassed.

"Guess who your grandfather hired to work at your stables?" Samantha could barely hide the excitement in her voice.

"Uh, I don't know. Fernando's third cousin's best friend's sister's roommate's dog walker?"

"No! Chris, you idiot."

"Your brother?" I asked, truly shocked.

"Yeah, my brother. Isn't that awesome?"

"Sure, I guess," I replied hesitantly, not really getting why this is such great news.

"You don't get it. Do you?"

"Uh, I don't think so."

"I get to come with him sometimes when he works so we can hangout, genius."


"You shut-up. Isn't that awesome?"

"That is awesome." We squealed with delight, like the little girls we are, for five minutes. After we settled down from our celebration, I asked, "So when are you coming here?"


"This Friday? Like in two days?" I can't believe this. I'm so excited.

"Yeah, but that's not the best part." Samantha was practically bursting at the seams but somehow she managed not to spill the beans.

"OMG, SAMANTHA! JUST TELL ME ALREADY!" I don't see how anything could be better than me gettin' to see my best friend more than once every six months.

"I'm bringing Dante and Alex with me this Friday. Chris is playing in your uncle's poker game after he gets off work so we get to stay until the end of the game. Isn't that awesome?"

"So awesome, but those games go until like two or three in the morning sometimes. You guys really get to stay that whole time?"


"And my uncle, my uncle EJ aka the buzzkill king, actually agreed to this?" I asked, knowing there's no way in Hell this can be true. There must be some mistake.

"YES! OMG, CLAIRE! How are you not getting this?"

"Cuz you don't know my uncle, Samantha. There's no way he would ever agree to all this. He's way too much of a tight-ass prick to allow anything remotely this fun."

Samantha laughed hard, saying, "Well he did, so I'll see you in two days. I gotta go. Chris is calling me, probably cuz I didn't finish my chores. Later, gator."

"Later," I said, tossing my phone down on the bed as I did a little celebration dance. Unfortunately, my door wasn't shut all the way.


My uncle stood in the doorway, smirking at my expense, doing the exaggerated, sarcastic slow-clap.

"Molto bene, mia nipote (Very good, my niece). Who knew you were so talented at dance? And here I thought your only skill was being annoying."

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