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Claire's pov

"No, please don't spank me, Grandfather. I'm sorry I lied to you," I pleaded, hoping to garner some sympathy.

Giving my hip a firm spank, he replied, without any sympathy I might add, "That's not what I asked you, little one. Now answer the question."

Sighing in defeat, I reluctantly admitted, "Yes, Grandfather, I deserve to be spanked for lying to you."

Pinching my cheek, he smiled and said, "Thank you for accepting responsibility for your misbehavior, Francesca. Yes, you do deserve a spanking for lying to me but I'm most likely not going to give you one, this time. Do not make that mistake again because lying to me can earn you the strap. Capisci (Understand)?"

"Si signore (Yes sir)." I sighed in relief of dodging that bullet.

Raining on my incredibly short parade, my grandfather continued to point out my transgressions.

"Now, I believe I told you slamming doors is a big no-no, Francesca. Didn't I?"

"Yes, Grandfather, I'm sorry. I won't do it again, I promise." I didn't like groveling pathetically but I really didn't want a spanking.

"So che ti dispiace ma credo sia necessario un piccolo promemoria (I know you're sorry but I think a little reminder is needed). No?"

I looked at my grandfather as if he had two heads. I don't know why he and my uncle persist in thinking I know wtf they're saying when they speak Italian. Seriously, how many times do we have to go through this?

"I don't know what you said, Grandfather, aside from little and no," I replied, with a piccola (little) bit of attitude, molta piccola (very little). I'm pretty sure I'm not translating that correctly but whatever, you get the idea.

"Ahhh, we will remedy that, Nipotina (Granddaughter). The punishment I have in store for you will assist you in learning some new Italian words. I suggest you lose the attitude, however. You have my assurance it will not bode well for you." My grandfather lifted me off his lap and patted the seat of the chair across from his desk, indicating I should sit down.

I eagerly sat down, knowing if I'm sitting, I'm not in a position to get spanked. I watched him pull out several sheets of paper from his desk drawer as he set them in front of me along with a pencil.

Taking the top sheet of paper, he wrote: Se sbatto di nuovo la porta della mia camera da letto, mio ​​nonno me la farà rimuovere e mi farò sculacciare.

Underneath he wrote: If I slam my bedroom door again, my grandfather will have it removed and I'll get spanked.

He set it in front of me and as I read it my eyes widened and I gulped, processing his very credible threat.

"You will write the sentence in Italian and English two hundred times before you will be allowed to move from this seat. If you get up before you are finished, I will spank you and sit you right back down on that chair to finish your assignment. Capiscimi (Understand me)?"

"Si signore (Yes sir)," I replied without hesitation, knowing my grandfather meant business. If I want to maintain my ability to sit sans pain, I better listen to every word he says.

"Start writing, Francesca," he ordered sternly, sitting down across from me.

After filling one side of the paper my hand was cramping terribly and my back, neck, and shoulders ached from being hunched over as I wrote.

"Grandfather, can I take a break? My hand hurts," I whined.

"If you'd like to take a break by turning your bottom up over my knee then I'd be happy to accommodate you, Nipotina (Granddaughter). So which would you prefer, to continue writing, or take a break?"

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