Chapter 14: Greed

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Benny woke up in shock and what he had just dreamed. Was it just a dream? He didn't know. He tried to stand up, but struggled.

'We cannot keep them locked away forever' a voice said

'Yes, yes, father.'

'Do you promise to never open the gates?'

'Yes father. I promise' There was an insincere tone in the, he was guessing, son's voice. He looked around, seeing two people in front of a gate, and 7 spirits, similar to that of which he saw in his dream. 'I will guard this gate for all eternity. And understand that once it is open, everything will go crazy, the most honest hearts will die. People will go mental, blah, blah, blah. Father, These people you speak of don't even exist!'

Benny looked around. The voices faded.

Benny started to walk. He seemed to be in a corridor with badly-lit torches. He tried to walk to the side, to lean against the damp wall, but no luck. He felt slightly sick, and dizzy. He looked down either end of the tunnel. It seemed to never end. Just repeated itself over, and over, and over again. There were voices, mutters, all around him.

'Yes father, I will keep an eye on it' the voice muttered

'Good! I will see to it that your chambers are a-set and ready for you to sleep and guard.'

Footsteps edged towards Benny, but they seemed empty. Soulless.

He walked down the tunnel, the scene changing around him.

'You want me to bring him to you? Do you not understand the power you have- and you want me to get a boy!?' a voice called out. Benny noticed the voice, it was very familiar.

'Yes Robin. And this time, do not fail me! You remember last time don't you. You fell in love with that stupid child. But I will have my worthy son to make sure you stay in line'

'Dad, please don't make me go!'

Benny watched as his friend and his friend's father walked past.

The scene shifted. He seemed to be standing atop a tower, looking out the window. He moved against his will, towards a big metal box with jail cell doors. 'It is time. The prophecy has come true. You are to be released once the boy has defeated his name-sake, his father, and his brother.' He saw a reflection in the polished bars. It was not his own face- no. IT was no face at all.

Voices echoed in the box. 'You have come to free us, servant' a voice hissed. 'I will get everything I wish! And so will you' a voice called out. The voice was golden and silky, clean and without issue. 'No! He will get pride! The honor for winning!' 'Nooo! All the women will flock to him for love!' 'No! the eternal right to relax. Just to be safe and freeeeeee-' the final voice trailed out, 'You will feel like you want your enemies' numbers.' 'you will get all the food you want! Everything you can wish for... when you free us' there voices faded away.

The view changed, the safe looking closer. Something unlocked the main lock, as someone ran into the room.

'STOP!' a voice yelled. The scene went dark.

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